#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*-coding:UTF-8 -* import logging import os import sys import gzip import magic sys.path.append(os.environ['AIL_BIN']) ################################## # Import Project packages ################################## from lib import ConfigLoader from lib import Tag logger = logging.getLogger() config_loader = ConfigLoader.ConfigLoader() r_cache = config_loader.get_redis_conn("Redis_Cache") r_object = config_loader.get_db_conn("Kvrocks_Objects") config_loader = None def exist_item(item_id): filename = get_item_filepath(item_id) if os.path.isfile(filename): return True else: return False def get_item_filepath(item_id): filename = os.path.join(ConfigLoader.get_items_dir(), item_id) return os.path.realpath(filename) def get_item_date(item_id, add_separator=False): l_dir = item_id.split('/') if add_separator: return f'{l_dir[-4]}/{l_dir[-3]}/{l_dir[-2]}' else: return f'{l_dir[-4]}{l_dir[-3]}{l_dir[-2]}' def get_basename(item_id): return os.path.basename(item_id) def get_source(item_id): l_source = item_id.split('/')[:-4] return os.path.join(*l_source) # # TODO: add an option to check the tag def is_crawled(item_id): return item_id.startswith('crawled') def get_item_domain(item_id): return item_id[19:-36] def get_item_content_binary(item_id): item_full_path = os.path.join(ConfigLoader.get_items_dir(), item_id) try: with gzip.open(item_full_path, 'rb') as f: item_content = f.read() except Exception as e: print(e) item_content = b'' return item_content def get_item_content(item_id): item_full_path = os.path.join(ConfigLoader.get_items_dir(), item_id) try: item_content = r_cache.get(item_full_path) except UnicodeDecodeError: item_content = None except Exception as e: item_content = None if item_content is None: try: with gzip.open(item_full_path, 'r') as f: item_content = f.read() try: item_content = item_content.decode() except UnicodeDecodeError: item_content = str(item_content) if len(item_content) > 2: item_content = item_content[2:-1] item_content = item_content.replace(r'\r\n', '\r\n') item_content = item_content.replace(r'\n', '\n') r_cache.set(item_full_path, item_content) r_cache.expire(item_full_path, 300) except Exception as e: print(e) logger.error(f'{e}: item {item_id}') item_content = '' return str(item_content) def get_item_mimetype(item_id): return magic.from_buffer(get_item_content(item_id), mime=True) # # # # TREE CHILD/FATHER # # # # def is_parent(item_id): return r_object.exists(f'child:item::{item_id}') def is_children(item_id): return r_object.hexists(f'meta:item::{item_id}' 'parent') def is_root_node(item_id): if is_parent(item_id) and not is_children(item_id): return True else: return False def is_node(item_id): if is_parent(item_id) or is_children(item_id): return True else: return False def is_leaf(item_id): if not is_parent(item_id) and is_children(item_id): return True else: return False def is_domain_root(item_id): if not is_crawled(item_id): return False else: domain = get_item_domain(item_id) item_father = get_item_parent(item_id) if not is_crawled(item_father): return True else: # same domain if get_item_domain(item_father) == domain: return False else: return True def get_item_url(item_id): return r_object.hget(f'meta:item::{item_id}', 'url') def get_item_har(item_id): har = '/'.join(item_id.rsplit('/')[-4:]) har = f'{har}.json.gz' path = os.path.join(ConfigLoader.get_hars_dir(), har) if os.path.isfile(path): return har # def get_item_har_content(har): # with open(har, 'rb') as f: # har_content = f.read() # return har_content def get_item_parent(item_id): return r_object.hget(f'meta:item::{item_id}', 'parent') def get_item_children(item_id): return list(r_object.smembers(f'child:item::{item_id}')) # # TODO: handle domain last origin in domain lib # def _delete_node(item_id): # # only if item isn't deleted # # if is_crawled(item_id): # # delete item meta url # # delete item parent + children # # # delete regular # # simple if leaf # # # delete item node def get_all_domain_node_by_item_id(item_id, l_nodes=[]): domain = get_item_domain(item_id) for child_id in get_item_children(item_id): if get_item_domain(child_id) == domain: l_nodes.append(child_id) l_nodes = get_all_domain_node_by_item_id(child_id, l_nodes) return l_nodes ##-- --## # def add_item_parent_by_parent_id(parent_type, parent_id, item_id): # parent_item_id = get_obj_id_item_id(parent_type, parent_id) # if parent_item_id: # add_item_parent(parent_item_id, item_id) # # TODO: # FIXME: #### UNKNOW SECTION #### # def get_obj_id_item_id(parent_type, parent_id): # all_parents_type = ['twitter_id', 'jabber_id', 'telegram_id'] # if parent_type in all_parents_type: # return r_serv_metadata.hget('map:{}:item_id'.format(parent_type), parent_id) # else: # return None # # # TODO: # FIXME: TO MIGRATE ?????? # def add_map_obj_id_item_id(obj_id, item_id, obj_type): # if obj_type == 'twitter_id': # r_serv_metadata.hset('map:twitter_id:item_id', obj_id, item_id) # if obj_type == 'jabber_id': # r_serv_metadata.hset('map:jabber_id:item_id', obj_id, item_id) # if obj_type == 'telegram_id': # r_serv_metadata.hset('map:telegram_id:item_id', obj_id, item_id) # delete twitter id ##-- --## ## COMMON ## def _get_dir_source_name(directory, source_name=None, l_sources_name=set(), filter_dir=False): if not l_sources_name: l_sources_name = set() if source_name: path = os.path.join(directory, source_name) if os.path.isdir(path): l_dir = os.listdir(os.path.join(directory, source_name)) else: l_dir = [] else: l_dir = os.listdir(directory) # empty directory if not l_dir: if source_name: return l_sources_name.add(source_name) else: return l_sources_name else: for src_name in l_dir: if len(src_name) == 4 and source_name: # try: int(src_name) to_add = os.path.join(source_name) # filter sources, remove first directory if filter_dir: to_add = to_add.replace('archive/', '').replace('alerts/', '') l_sources_name.add(to_add) return l_sources_name # except: # pass if source_name: src_name = os.path.join(source_name, src_name) l_sources_name = _get_dir_source_name(directory, source_name=src_name, l_sources_name=l_sources_name, filter_dir=filter_dir) return l_sources_name def get_all_items_sources(filter_dir=False, r_list=False): res = _get_dir_source_name(ConfigLoader.get_items_dir(), filter_dir=filter_dir) if res: if r_list: res = list(res) return res else: return [] def verify_sources_list(sources): all_sources = get_all_items_sources() for source in sources: if source not in all_sources: return {'status': 'error', 'reason': 'Invalid source', 'value': source}, 400 return None def get_all_items_metadata_dict(list_id): list_meta = [] for item_id in list_id: list_meta.append( {'id': item_id, 'date': get_item_date(item_id), 'tags': Tag.get_object_tags('item', item_id)} ) return list_meta ##-- --## if __name__ == '__main__': get_all_items_sources()