{% include 'nav_bar.html' %}
{% include 'sidebars/sidebar_objects.html' %}
{# {% include 'image/block_images_search.html' %}#}
Select a date range :
{% if dict_objects %} {% if date_from|string == date_to|string %}

{{ date_from }} Ocrs Name:

{% else %}

{{ date_from }} to {{ date_to }} Ocrs Name:

{% endif %} {% for obj_id in dict_objects %} {% endfor %}
First Seen Last Seen Total Last days
{{ dict_objects[obj_id]['id'] }} {{ dict_objects[obj_id]['first_seen'] }} {{ dict_objects[obj_id]['last_seen'] }} {{ dict_objects[obj_id]['nb_seen'] }}
{% else %} {% if show_objects %} {% if date_from|string == date_to|string %}

{{ date_from }}, No OCR

{% else %}

{{ date_from }} to {{ date_to }}, No OCR

{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %}