import networkx as nx import xml.sax.saxutils as xlm import redis def Gephi_Graph(r_serv, graphpath, mincard, maxcard, insert_type): """Create Gephi Graph by calling a "Sub function": Create_Graph :param r_serv: -- connexion to redis database :param graphpath: -- the absolute path of the .gephi graph created. :param mincard: -- the minimum links between 2 nodes to be created :param maxcard: -- the maximum links between 2 nodes to be created :param insert_type: -- the type of datastructure used to create the graph. In fact this function is juste here to be able to choose between two kind of Redis database structure: One which is a Sorted set and the other a simple set. """ g = nx.Graph() if (insert_type == 0): for h in r_serv.smembers("hash"): Create_Graph(r_serv, g, h, graphpath, mincard, maxcard) elif (insert_type == 2): for h in r_serv.zrange("hash", 0, -1): Create_Graph(r_serv, g, h, graphpath, mincard, maxcard) nx.write_gexf(g,graphpath) print def Create_Graph(r_serv, graph, h, graphpath, mincard, maxcard): """Create Gephi Graph. :param r_serv: -- connexion to redis database :param graph: -- networkx graph object :param h: -- (str) the hash which will be transform into a node. :param graphpath: -- the absolute path of the .gephi graph created. :param mincard: -- the minimum links between 2 nodes to be created :param maxcard: -- the maximum links between 2 nodes to be created This function link all the pastes with theirs own hashed lines. Of course a paste can have multiple hashed lines and an hashed line can be contained in multiple paste. In this case it's a common hash. """ if (r_serv.scard(h) >= mincard) and (r_serv.scard(h) <= maxcard): for filename in r_serv.smembers(h): for line in r_serv.smembers(filename): line = line.decode('UTF-8', errors='ignore') line = xlm.quoteattr(line, {'"':'"', "'":"'"}) graph.add_edge(h, line+" -- "+filename) #OK