#!/usr/bin/python2.7 """ The ``ZMQ PubSub`` Modules ========================== """ import zmq, ConfigParser, redis, pprint, os, sys #from pubsublogger import publisher class PubSub(object): """ The PubSub class is a ``Virtual Class`` which regroup the shared attribute of a Publisher ZeroMQ and a Subcriber ZeroMQ :param file_conf: -- (str) The filepath of the configuration file used (.cfg) :param log_channel: -- (str) The channel used as a log channel :param ps_name: -- (str) The "ID" of the Publisher/Subcriber :return: PubSub Object ..note:: The ps_name was implemented to separate subscriber queues in redis when they are listening on a same "stream" ..seealso:: Method of the ZMQSub class ..todo:: Create Implementing a log channel as an attribute of this virtual class. """ def __init__(self, file_conf, log_channel, ps_name): self._ps_name = ps_name self._config_parser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() self._config_file = file_conf # "./packages/config.cfg" self._config_parser.read(self._config_file) self._context_zmq = zmq.Context() #self._logging_publisher_channel = log_channel # "Default" #publisher.channel(self._logging_publisher_channel) class ZMQPub(PubSub): """ This class create a ZMQ Publisher which is able to send_message to a choosen socket. :param pub_config_section: -- (str) The name of the section in the config file to get the settings :return: ZMQPub Object :Example: Extract of the config file: [PubSub_Categ] adress = tcp:// Creating the object and sending message: MyPublisher = ZMQPub('./packages/config.cfg', 'PubSub_Categ', 'pubcateg') msg = "categ1"+" "+"Im the data sent on the categ1 channel" MyPublisher.send_message(msg) ..note:: The ps_name attribute for a publisher is "optionnal" but still required to be instantiated correctly. """ def __init__(self, file_conf, pub_config_section, ps_name): super(ZMQPub, self).__init__(file_conf, "Default", ps_name) self._pub_config_section = pub_config_section self._pubsocket = self._context_zmq.socket(zmq.PUB) self._pub_adress = self._config_parser.get(self._pub_config_section, "adress") self._pubsocket.bind(self._config_parser.get(self._pub_config_section, "adress")) def send_message(self, message): """Send a message throught the publisher socket""" self._pubsocket.send(message) class ZMQSub(PubSub): """ This class create a ZMQ Subcriber which is able to receive message directly or throught redis as a buffer. The redis buffer is usefull when the subcriber do a time consuming job which is desynchronising it from the stream of data received. The redis buffer ensures that no data will be loss waiting to be processed. :param sub_config_section: -- (str) The name of the section in the config file to get the settings :param channel: -- (str) The listening channel of the Subcriber. :return: ZMQSub Object :Example: Extract of the config file: [PubSub_Global] adress = tcp:// channel = filelist Creating the object and receiving data + pushing to redis (redis buffering): r_serv = redis.StrictRedis( host =, port = 6387, db = 0) channel = cfg.get("PubSub_Global", "channel") MySubscriber = ZMQSub('./packages/config.cfg',"PubSub_Global", channel, "duplicate") while True: MySubscriber.get_and_lpush(r_serv) Inside another script use this line to retrive the data from redis. ... while True: MySubscriber.get_msg_from_queue(r_serv) ... ..note:: If you don't want any redis buffering simply use the "get_message" method """ def __init__(self, file_conf, sub_config_section, channel, ps_name): super(ZMQSub, self).__init__(file_conf, "Default", ps_name) self._sub_config_section = sub_config_section self._subsocket = self._context_zmq.socket(zmq.SUB) self._sub_adress = self._config_parser.get(self._sub_config_section, "adress") self._subsocket.connect(self._config_parser.get(self._sub_config_section, "adress")) self._channel = channel self._subsocket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, self._channel) def get_message(self): """ Get the first sent message from a Publisher. :return: (str) Message from Publisher """ return self._subsocket.recv() def get_and_lpush(self, r_serv): """ Get the first sent message from a Publisher and storing it in redis ..note:: This function also create a set named "queue" for monitoring needs """ r_serv.sadd("queues",self._channel+self._ps_name) r_serv.lpush(self._channel+self._ps_name, self._subsocket.recv()) def get_msg_from_queue(self, r_serv): """ Get the first sent message from a Redis List :return: (str) Message from Publisher """ return r_serv.rpop(self._channel+self._ps_name)