{% include 'nav_bar.html' %}

{{ dict_item['name'] }}

Date Source Encoding Size (Kb) Number of lines Max line length
{{ dict_item['metadata']['date'] }} {{ dict_item['metadata']['source'] }} {{ dict_item['metadata']['encoding'] }} {{ dict_item['metadata']['size'] }} {{ dict_item['metadata']['lines']['nb'] }} {{ dict_item['metadata']['lines']['max_length'] }}
{% include 'modals/edit_tag.html' %} {% for tag in dict_item['tags'] %} {% endfor %}
{% include 'modals/add_tags.html' %}
{% if dict_item['father'] %} {% endif %}
{% with obj_type='item', obj_id=dict_item['id'], obj_lvl=0%} {% include 'import_export/block_add_user_object_to_export.html' %} {% endwith %}
{% if is_hive_connected %}
{% include 'modals/create_hive_case.html' %}
{% endif %}
{% if misp_eventid %}
  • MISP Events already Created
  • {{ misp_url }}
    {% endif %} {% if dict_item['hive_case'] %}
  • The Hive Case already Created
  • {{ hive_url }}
    {% endif %} {% if dict_item['duplicates'] != 0 %}
    {% for duplicate_id in dict_item['duplicates'] %} {% endfor %}
    Date Similarity Item Diff
    {{dict_item['duplicates'][duplicate_id]['date']}} {%for algo in dict_item['duplicates'][duplicate_id]['algo']|sort()%} {%endfor%}
    {% endif %} {% if l_64|length != 0 %}
    Decoded Files  
    {% for b64 in l_64 %} {% endfor %}
    estimated type hash
      {{ b64[1] }} {{b64[2]}} ({{ b64[4] }})
    {% endif %} {% if dict_item['crawler'] %}
    Last Origin:
    {{ dict_item['father'] }}
    {{ dict_item['crawler']['domain'] }}
    url {{ dict_item['crawler']['url'] }}
    {% endif %}

    {{ dict_item['content'] }}

    {% if dict_item['crawler'] %} {% endif %}