#!/bin/bash SERVICE_FILE="ailbuilder.service" SERVICE_PATH="/etc/systemd/system/" MISP_AIRGAP_PATH="/opt/ailbuilder" DIR="$(dirname "$0")" BUILD_DIR="${DIR}/../../build" log() { echo "[$(date +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z')]: $*" } echo "Updating ailbuilder service ..." if systemctl is-active --quiet ailbuilder; then systemctl stop ailbuilder || { log "Failed to stop service"; exit 1; } systemctl disable ailbuilder || { log "Failed to disable service"; exit 1; } fi if [[ -f "$SERVICE_FILE" ]]; then cp "${SERVICE_FILE}" "${SERVICE_PATH}" || { log "Failed to copy service file"; exit 1; } else log "Service file $SERVICE_FILE not found" exit 1 fi if [[ -d "$BUILD_DIR" ]]; then cp -r "$BUILD_DIR" "$MISP_AIRGAP_PATH/" || { log "Failed to copy build directory"; exit 1; } else log "Build directory $BUILD_DIR does not exist" exit 1 fi systemctl daemon-reload || { log "Failed to reload systemd"; exit 1; } systemctl enable ailbuilder || { log "Failed to enable service"; exit 1; } systemctl start ailbuilder || { log "Failed to start service"; exit 1; }