#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*-coding:UTF-8 -* import os import ssdeep import sys import time import tlsh import datetime sys.path.append(os.environ['AIL_BIN']) ################################## # Import Project packages ################################## from lib.ConfigLoader import ConfigLoader config_loader = ConfigLoader() r_serv_db = config_loader.get_redis_conn("Kvrocks_DB") MIN_ITEM_SIZE = float(config_loader.get_config_str('Modules_Duplicates', 'min_paste_size')) # # TODO: RENAME ME config_loader = None # # # Hash != Duplicates => New correlation HASH => check if same hash if duplicate == 100 # # Object Hash => correlation decoded => don't need correlation to exists # # New CORRELATION => HASH # -> compute/get(if exist we have a correlation) hash -> get correlation same hash # # # Duplicates between differents objects ????? # Diff Decoded -> Item => Diff Item decoded - Item # # Duplicates domains != Duplicates items def get_ssdeep_hash(content): return ssdeep.hash(content) def get_ssdeep_similarity(obj_hash, other_hash): return ssdeep.compare(obj_hash, other_hash) def get_tlsh_hash(content): return tlsh.hash(content) def get_tlsh_similarity(obj_hash, other_hash): similarity = tlsh.diffxlen(obj_hash, other_hash) if similarity > 100: similarity = 100 similarity = 100 - similarity return similarity def get_algo_similarity(algo, obj_hash, other_hash): if algo == 'ssdeep': return get_ssdeep_similarity(obj_hash, other_hash) elif algo == 'tlsh': return get_tlsh_similarity(obj_hash, other_hash) def get_algo_hashs_by_month(algo, date_ymonth): return r_serv_db.hkeys(f'duplicates:hashs:{algo}:{date_ymonth}') def exists_algo_hash_by_month(algo, hash, date_ymonth): return r_serv_db.hexists(f'duplicates:hashs:{algo}:{date_ymonth}', hash) def get_object_id_by_hash(algo, hash, date_ymonth): return r_serv_db.hget(f'duplicates:hashs:{algo}:{date_ymonth}', hash) def save_object_hash(algo, date_ymonth, hash, obj_id): r_serv_db.hset(f'duplicates:hashs:{algo}:{date_ymonth}', hash, obj_id) def get_duplicates(obj_type, subtype, id): dict_dup = {} duplicates = r_serv_db.smembers(f'obj:duplicates:{obj_type}:{subtype}:{id}') for str_dup in duplicates: similarity, algo, id = str_dup.split(':', 2) if not dict_dup.get(id): dict_dup[id] = [] dict_dup[id].append({'algo': algo, 'similarity': int(similarity)}) return dict_dup def _add_obj_duplicate(algo, similarity, obj_type, subtype, id, id_2): r_serv_db.sadd(f'obj:duplicates:{obj_type}:{subtype}:{id}', f'{similarity}:{algo}:{id_2}') def add_obj_duplicate(algo, hash, similarity, obj_type, subtype, id, date_ymonth): obj2_id = get_object_id_by_hash(algo, hash, date_ymonth) # same content if similarity == 100: dups = get_duplicates(obj_type, subtype, id) for dup_id in dups: for algo_dict in dups[dup_id]: if algo_dict['similarity'] == 100 and algo_dict['algo'] == algo: _add_obj_duplicate(algo, similarity, obj_type, subtype, id, dups[dup_id]) _add_obj_duplicate(algo, similarity, obj_type, subtype, dups[dup_id], id) _add_obj_duplicate(algo, similarity, obj_type, subtype, id, obj2_id) _add_obj_duplicate(algo, similarity, obj_type, subtype, obj2_id, id) def get_last_x_month_dates(nb_months): now = datetime.datetime.now() result = [now.strftime("%Y%m")] for x in range(0, nb_months): now = now.replace(day=1) - datetime.timedelta(days=1) result.append(now.strftime("%Y%m")) return result if __name__ == '__main__': res = get_last_x_month_dates(7) print(res) #################################