#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ :mod:`subscriber` -- Subscribe to a redis channel and gather logging messages. To use this module, you have to define at least a channel name. """ import redis from logbook import Logger import ConfigParser from logbook import NestedSetup, NullHandler, FileHandler, MailHandler import os # use a TCP Socket by default use_tcp_socket = True #default config for a UNIX socket unix_socket = '/tmp/redis.sock' # default config for a TCP socket hostname = 'localhost' port = 6379 pubsub = None channel = None # Required only if you want to send emails dest_mails = [] smtp_server = None smtp_port = 0 src_server = None def setup(name, path = 'log', enable_debug = False): """ Prepare a NestedSetup. :param name: the channel name :param path: the path where the logs will be written :param enable_debug: do we want to save the message at the DEBUG level :return a nested Setup """ path_tmpl = os.path.join(path, '{name}_{level}.log') info = path_tmpl.format(name = name, level = 'info') warn = path_tmpl.format(name = name, level = 'warn') err = path_tmpl.format(name = name, level = 'err') crit = path_tmpl.format(name = name, level = 'crit') # a nested handler setup can be used to configure more complex setups setup = [ # make sure we never bubble up to the stderr handler # if we run out of setup handling NullHandler(), # then write messages that are at least info to to a logfile FileHandler(info, level='INFO', encoding='utf-8'), # then write messages that are at least warnings to to a logfile FileHandler(warn, level='WARNING', encoding='utf-8'), # then write messages that are at least errors to to a logfile FileHandler(err, level='ERROR', encoding='utf-8'), # then write messages that are at least critical errors to to a logfile FileHandler(crit, level='CRITICAL', encoding='utf-8'), ] if enable_debug: debug = path_tmpl.format(name = name, level = 'debug') setup.insert(1, FileHandler(debug, level='DEBUG', encoding='utf-8')) if src_server is not None and smtp_server is not None \ and smtp_port != 0 and len(dest_mails) != 0: mail_tmpl = '{name}_error@{src}' from_mail = mail_tmpl.format(name = name, src = src_server) subject = 'Error in {}'.format(name) # errors should then be delivered by mail and also be kept # in the application log, so we let them bubble up. setup.append(MailHandler(from_mail, dest_mails, subject, level='ERROR', bubble=True, server_addr=(smtp_server, smtp_port))) return NestedSetup(setup) def mail_setup(path): """ Set the variables to be able to send emails. :param path: path to the config file """ global dest_mails global smtp_server global smtp_port global src_server config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() config.readfp(path) dest_mails = config.get('mail', 'dest_mail').split(',') smtp_server = config.get('mail', 'smtp_server') smtp_port = config.get('mail', 'smtp_port') src_server = config.get('mail', 'src_server') def run(log_name, path, debug = False, mail = None): """ Run a subscriber and pass the messages to the logbook setup. Stays alive as long as the pubsub instance listen to something. :param log_name: the channel to listen to :param path: the path where the log files will be written :param debug: True if you want to save the debug messages too :param mail: Path to the config file for the mails """ global pubsub global channel channel = log_name if use_tcp_socket: r = redis.StrictRedis(host=hostname, port=port) else: r = redis.StrictRedis(unix_socket_path = unix_socket) pubsub = r.pubsub() pubsub.psubscribe(channel + '.*') logger = Logger(channel) if mail is not None: mail_setup(mail) if os.path.exists(path) and not os.path.isdir(path): raise Exception("The path you want to use to save the file is invalid (not a directory).") if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) with setup(channel, path, debug): for msg in pubsub.listen(): if msg['type'] == 'pmessage': level = msg['channel'].split('.')[1] message = msg['data'] try: message = message.decode('utf-8') except: pass logger.log(level, message) def stop(): """ Unsubscribe to the channel, stop the script. """ pubsub.punsubscribe(channel + '.*')