var time_since_last_pastes_num = {}; var data_for_processed_paste = { "global": [] }; var list_feeder = ["global"]; var htmltext_graph_container = "
"; window.paste_num_tabvar_all = {}; //If we do not received info from global, set pastes_num to 0 function checkIfReceivedData(){ for (i in list_feeder) { if ((new Date().getTime() - time_since_last_pastes_num[list_feeder[i]]) > 45*1000) window.paste_num_tabvar_all[list_feeder[i]] = 0; setTimeout(checkIfReceivedData, 45*1000); } } setTimeout(checkIfReceivedData, 45*1000); function initfunc( csvay, scroot) { window.csv = csvay; window.scroot = scroot; }; function update_values() { $SCRIPT_ROOT = window.scroot ; $.getJSON($SCRIPT_ROOT+"/_stuff", function(data) { window.glob_tabvar = data; }); }; // Plot and update the number of processed pastes // BEGIN PROCESSED PASTES var default_minute = (typeof window.default_minute !== "undefined") ? parseInt(window.default_minute) : 10; var totalPoints = 60*parseInt(default_minute); //60s*minute var curr_max = {"global": 0}; function getData(dataset) { var curr_data; if (data_for_processed_paste[dataset] === undefined) { // create feeder dataset if not exists yet data_for_processed_paste[dataset] = []; } curr_data = data_for_processed_paste[dataset]; if (curr_data.length > 0){ var data_old = curr_data[0]; curr_data = curr_data.slice(10); curr_max[dataset] = curr_max[dataset] == data_old ? Math.max.apply(null, curr_data) : curr_max[dataset]; } while (curr_data.length < totalPoints) { //var y = (typeof window.paste_num_tabvar_all[dataset] !== "undefined") ? parseInt(window.paste_num_tabvar_all[dataset]) : 0; var y = (typeof window.paste_num_tabvar_all[dataset] !== "undefined") ? parseInt(window.paste_num_tabvar_all[dataset]) : 0; curr_max[dataset] = y > curr_max[dataset] ? y : curr_max[dataset]; curr_data.push(y); } // Zip the generated y values with the x values var res = []; for (var i = 0; i < curr_data.length; ++i) { res.push([i, curr_data[i]]) } data_for_processed_paste[dataset] = curr_data; return res; } var updateInterval = 10000; var options_processed_pastes = { series: { shadowSize: 1 }, lines: { fill: true, fillColor: { colors: [ { opacity: 1 }, { opacity: 0.1 } ] }}, yaxis: { min: 0, max: 40 }, colors: ["#a971ff"], grid: { tickColor: "#dddddd", borderWidth: 0 }, }; function update_processed_pastes(graph, dataset) { graph.setData([getData(dataset)]); graph.getOptions().yaxes[0].max = curr_max[dataset]; graph.setupGrid(); graph.draw(); setTimeout(function(){ update_processed_pastes(graph, dataset); }, updateInterval); } // END PROCESSED PASTES function initfunc( csvay, scroot) { window.csv = csvay; window.scroot = scroot; }; function update_values() { $SCRIPT_ROOT = window.scroot ; $.getJSON($SCRIPT_ROOT+"/_stuff", function(data) { window.glob_tabvar = data; }); }; var source = new EventSource('/_logs'); source.onmessage = function(event) { var feed = jQuery.parseJSON( ); create_log_table(feed); }; function pad_2(number) { return (number < 10 ? '0' : '') + number; } function create_log_table(obj_json) { tableBody = document.getElementById("tab_body") var tr = document.createElement('TR') var time = document.createElement('TD') var chan = document.createElement('TD') var level = document.createElement('TD') var scrpt = document.createElement('TD') var src = document.createElement('TD') var pdate = document.createElement('TD') var nam = document.createElement('TD') var msage = document.createElement('TD') var inspect = document.createElement('TD') var chansplit ='.'); var parsedmess =';'); if (parsedmess[0] == "Mixer"){ var feeder = parsedmess[4].split(" ")[1]; var paste_processed = parsedmess[4].split(" ")[3]; var msg_type = parsedmess[4].split(" ")[2]; if (feeder == "All_feeders"){ var total_proc = $.plot("#global", [ getData("global") ], options_processed_pastes); update_processed_pastes(total_proc, "global"); window.paste_num_tabvar_all["global"] = paste_processed; time_since_last_pastes_num["global"] = new Date().getTime(); } else { if (list_feeder.indexOf(feeder) == -1) { list_feeder.push(feeder); //ADD HTML CONTAINER + PLOT THE GRAPH, ADD IT TO A LIST CONTAING THE PLOTED GRAPH $("#panelbody").append(""+feeder+""); $("#panelbody").append("
" + htmltext_graph_container.replace("$1", feeder+"Proc") + htmltext_graph_container.replace("$1", feeder+"Dup")+"
"); var new_feederProc = $.plot("#"+feeder+"Proc", [ getData(feeder+"Proc") ], options_processed_pastes); options_processed_pastes.colors = ["#edc240"]; var new_feederDup = $.plot("#"+feeder+"Dup", [ getData(feeder+"Dup") ], options_processed_pastes); options_processed_pastes.colors = ["#a971ff"]; update_processed_pastes(new_feederProc, feeder+"Proc"); update_processed_pastes(new_feederDup, feeder+"Dup"); } var feederName = msg_type == "Duplicated" ? feeder+"Dup" : feeder+"Proc"; window.paste_num_tabvar_all[feederName] = paste_processed; time_since_last_pastes_num[feederName] = new Date().getTime(); } return; } if( chansplit[1] == "INFO" ){ tr.className = "info"; } else if ( chansplit[1] == "WARNING" ){ tr.className = "warning"; } else if ( chansplit[1] == "CRITICAL"){ tr.className = "danger" } source_link = document.createElement("A"); if (parsedmess[1] == ""){ soruce_url = "http://"+parsedmess[1]+"/view/"+parsedmess[3].split(".")[0]; } else{ source_url = "http://"+parsedmess[1]+"/"+parsedmess[3].split(".")[0]; } source_link.setAttribute("HREF",source_url); source_link.setAttribute("TARGET", "_blank"); source_link.appendChild(document.createTextNode(parsedmess[1])); src.appendChild(source_link); var now = new Date(); var timepaste = pad_2(now.getHours()) + ":" + pad_2(now.getMinutes()) + ":" + pad_2(now.getSeconds()); time.appendChild(document.createTextNode(timepaste)); chan.appendChild(document.createTextNode(chansplit[0])); level.appendChild(document.createTextNode(chansplit[1])); scrpt.appendChild(document.createTextNode(parsedmess[0])); pdate.appendChild(document.createTextNode(parsedmess[2])); nam.appendChild(document.createTextNode(parsedmess[3])); var iconspan = document.createElement('SPAN'); if (parsedmess[4].split(" ")[0] == "Detected"){ iconspan.className = "glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open"; } else if (parsedmess[4].split(" ")[0] == "Checked"){ iconspan.className = "glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up"; } iconspan.innerHTML = " "; msage.appendChild(iconspan); var message = parsedmess[4].split(" "); message.shift(); msage.appendChild(document.createTextNode(message.join(" "))); var paste_path = parsedmess[5]; var url_to_saved_paste = url_showSavedPath+"?paste="+paste_path+"&num="+parsedmess[0]; var action_icon_a = document.createElement("A"); action_icon_a.setAttribute("TARGET", "_blank"); action_icon_a.setAttribute("HREF", url_to_saved_paste); var action_icon_span = document.createElement('SPAN'); action_icon_span.className = "fa fa-search-plus"; action_icon_a.appendChild(action_icon_span); inspect.appendChild(action_icon_a); tr.appendChild(time) tr.appendChild(chan); tr.appendChild(level); tr.appendChild(scrpt); tr.appendChild(src); tr.appendChild(pdate); tr.appendChild(nam); tr.appendChild(msage); tr.appendChild(inspect); if (tr.className == document.getElementById("checkbox_log_info").value && document.getElementById("checkbox_log_info").checked == true) { tableBody.appendChild(tr); } if (tr.className == document.getElementById("checkbox_log_warning").value && document.getElementById("checkbox_log_warning").checked == true) { tableBody.appendChild(tr); } if (tr.className == document.getElementById("checkbox_log_critical").value && document.getElementById("checkbox_log_critical").checked == true) { tableBody.appendChild(tr); }; var sel = document.getElementById("log_select") if (tableBody.rows.length > sel.options[sel.options.selectedIndex].value){ while (tableBody.rows.length != sel.options[sel.options.selectedIndex].value){ tableBody.deleteRow(0); } } } function create_queue_table() { document.getElementById("queueing").innerHTML = ""; var Tablediv = document.getElementById("queueing") var table = document.createElement('TABLE') table.className = "table table-bordered table-hover table-striped"; var tableHead = document.createElement('THEAD') var tableBody = document.createElement('TBODY') table.appendChild(tableHead); table.appendChild(tableBody); var heading = new Array(); heading[0] = "Queue Name.PID" heading[1] = "Amount" var tr = document.createElement('TR'); tableHead.appendChild(tr); for (i = 0; i < heading.length; i++) { var th = document.createElement('TH') th.width = '100'; th.appendChild(document.createTextNode(heading[i])); tr.appendChild(th); } if ((glob_tabvar.row1).length == 0) { var tr = document.createElement('TR'); var td = document.createElement('TD'); var td2 = document.createElement('TD'); td.appendChild(document.createTextNode("No running queues")); td2.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Or no feed")); td.className += " danger"; td2.className += " danger"; tr.appendChild(td); tr.appendChild(td2); tableBody.appendChild(tr); } else { for(i = 0; i < (glob_tabvar.row1).length;i++){ var tr = document.createElement('TR') for(j = 0; j < 2; j++){ var td = document.createElement('TD') var moduleNum = j == 0 ? "." + glob_tabvar.row1[i][3] : ""; td.appendChild(document.createTextNode(glob_tabvar.row1[i][j] + moduleNum)); tr.appendChild(td) } // Used to decide the color of the row // We have glob_tabvar.row1[][j] with: // - j=0: ModuleName // - j=1: queueLength // - j=2: LastProcessedPasteTime // - j=3: Number of the module belonging in the same category if (parseInt(glob_tabvar.row1[i][2]) > window.threshold_stucked_module && parseInt(glob_tabvar.row1[i][1]) > 2) tr.className += " danger"; else if (parseInt(glob_tabvar.row1[i][1]) == 0) tr.className += " warning"; else tr.className += " success"; tableBody.appendChild(tr); } } Tablediv.appendChild(table); } function load_queues() { var data = []; var data2 = []; var tmp_tab = []; var tmp_tab2 = []; var curves_labels = []; var curves_labels2 = []; var x = new Date(); for (i = 0; i < glob_tabvar.row1.length; i++){ if (glob_tabvar.row1[i][0].split(".")[0] == 'Categ' || glob_tabvar.row1[i][0].split(".")[0] == 'Curve'){ if (curves_labels2.indexOf(glob_tabvar.row1[i][0].split(".")[0]) == -1) { tmp_tab2.push(0); curves_labels2.push(glob_tabvar.row1[i][0].split(".")[0]); } } else { if (curves_labels.indexOf(glob_tabvar.row1[i][0].split(".")[0]) == -1) { tmp_tab.push(0); curves_labels.push(glob_tabvar.row1[i][0].split(".")[0]); } } } tmp_tab.unshift(x); tmp_tab2.unshift(x); curves_labels.unshift("date"); curves_labels2.unshift("date"); data.push(tmp_tab); data2.push(tmp_tab2); var g = new Dygraph(document.getElementById("Graph"), data, { labels: curves_labels, drawPoints: false, showRoller: true, rollPeriod: 30, labelsKMB: true, logscale: true, //drawGapEdgePoints: true, //legend: "always", //connectSeparatedPoints: true, stackedGraph: true, fillGraph: true, includeZero: true, }); var g2 = new Dygraph(document.getElementById("Graph2"), data2, { labels: curves_labels2, drawPoints: false, showRoller: true, rollPeriod: 30, labelsKMB: true, logscale: true, //drawGapEdgePoints: true, //legend: "always", //connectSeparatedPoints: true, stackedGraph: true, fillGraph: true, includeZero: true, }); var interval = 1000; //number of mili seconds between each call var refresh = function() { $.ajax({ url: "", cache: false, success: function(html) { $('#server-name').html(html); setTimeout(function() { var x = new Date(); var tmp_values = []; var tmp_values2 = []; refresh(); update_values(); if($('#button-toggle-queues').prop('checked')){ $("#queue-color-legend").show(); create_queue_table(); } else{ $("#queueing").html(''); $("#queue-color-legend").hide(); } queues_pushed = [] for (i = 0; i < (glob_tabvar.row1).length; i++){ if (glob_tabvar.row1[i][0].split(".")[0] == 'Categ' || glob_tabvar.row1[i][0].split(".")[0] == 'Curve'){ if (queues_pushed.indexOf(glob_tabvar.row1[i][0].split(".")[0]) == -1) { queues_pushed.push(glob_tabvar.row1[i][0].split(".")[0]); tmp_values2.push(parseInt(glob_tabvar.row1[i][1])); } } else { if (queues_pushed.indexOf(glob_tabvar.row1[i][0].split(".")[0]) == -1) { queues_pushed.push(glob_tabvar.row1[i][0].split(".")[0]); tmp_values.push(parseInt(glob_tabvar.row1[i][1])); } } } tmp_values.unshift(x); data.push(tmp_values); tmp_values2.unshift(x); data2.push(tmp_values2); if (data.length > 1800) { data.shift(); data2.shift(); } g.updateOptions( { 'file': data } ); g2.updateOptions( { 'file': data2 } ); // TagCanvas.Reload('myCanvas'); }, interval); } }); }; refresh(); try { var options = { weight:true, weightMode:"both", noMouse:true, textColour: '#2E9AFE' } TagCanvas.Start('myCanvas','',options); TagCanvas.SetSpeed('myCanvas', [0.05, -0.15]); } catch(e) { // something went wrong, hide the canvas container document.getElementById('myCanvasContainer').style.display = 'none'; } } function manage_undefined() { if (typeof glob_tabvar == "undefined") setTimeout(function() { if (typeof glob_tabvar == "undefined") { manage_undefined(); } else { load_queues(); } }, 1000); else if (typeof glob_tabvar.row1 == "undefined") setTimeout(function() { if (typeof glob_tabvar.row1 == "undefined") { manage_undefined(); } else { load_queues(); } }, 1000); else load_queues(); } $(document).ready(function () { manage_undefined(); });