#!/bin/bash GREEN="\\033[1;32m" DEFAULT="\\033[0;39m" RED="\\033[1;31m" ROSE="\\033[1;35m" BLUE="\\033[1;34m" WHITE="\\033[0;02m" YELLOW="\\033[1;33m" CYAN="\\033[1;36m" [ -z "$AIL_HOME" ] && echo "Needs the env var AIL_HOME. Run the script from the virtual environment." && exit 1; [ -z "$AIL_REDIS" ] && echo "Needs the env var AIL_REDIS. Run the script from the virtual environment." && exit 1; [ -z "$AIL_ARDB" ] && echo "Needs the env var AIL_ARDB. Run the script from the virtual environment." && exit 1; [ -z "$AIL_BIN" ] && echo "Needs the env var AIL_ARDB. Run the script from the virtual environment." && exit 1; [ -z "$AIL_FLASK" ] && echo "Needs the env var AIL_FLASK. Run the script from the virtual environment." && exit 1; export PATH=$AIL_HOME:$PATH export PATH=$AIL_REDIS:$PATH export PATH=$AIL_ARDB:$PATH export PATH=$AIL_BIN:$PATH export PATH=$AIL_FLASK:$PATH isredis=`screen -ls | egrep '[0-9]+.Redis_AIL' | cut -d. -f1` isardb=`screen -ls | egrep '[0-9]+.ARDB_AIL' | cut -d. -f1` islogged=`screen -ls | egrep '[0-9]+.Logging_AIL' | cut -d. -f1` isqueued=`screen -ls | egrep '[0-9]+.Queue_AIL' | cut -d. -f1` isscripted=`screen -ls | egrep '[0-9]+.Script_AIL' | cut -d. -f1` isflasked=`screen -ls | egrep '[0-9]+.Flask_AIL' | cut -d. -f1` function helptext { echo -e $YELLOW" .o. ooooo ooooo .888. \`888' \`888' .8\"888. 888 888 .8' \`888. 888 888 .88ooo8888. 888 888 .8' \`888. 888 888 o o88o o8888o o o888o o o888ooooood8 Analysis Information Leak framework "$DEFAULT" This script launch: "$CYAN" - All the ZMQ queuing modules. - All the ZMQ processing modules. - All Redis in memory servers. - All ARDB on disk servers. "$DEFAULT" (Inside screen Daemons) "$DEFAULT" Usage: ----- LAUNCH.sh [-l | --launchAuto] [-k | --killAll] [-c | --configUpdate] [-t | --thirdpartyUpdate] [-h | --help] " } function launching_redis { conf_dir="${AIL_HOME}/configs/" screen -dmS "Redis_AIL" sleep 0.1 echo -e $GREEN"\t* Launching Redis servers"$DEFAULT screen -S "Redis_AIL" -X screen -t "6379" bash -c 'redis-server '$conf_dir'6379.conf ; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Redis_AIL" -X screen -t "6380" bash -c 'redis-server '$conf_dir'6380.conf ; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Redis_AIL" -X screen -t "6381" bash -c 'redis-server '$conf_dir'6381.conf ; read x' } function launching_ardb { conf_dir="${AIL_HOME}/configs/" screen -dmS "ARDB_AIL" sleep 0.1 echo -e $GREEN"\t* Launching ARDB servers"$DEFAULT sleep 0.1 screen -S "ARDB_AIL" -X screen -t "6382" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_HOME}'; ardb-server '$conf_dir'6382.conf ; read x' } function launching_logs { screen -dmS "Logging_AIL" sleep 0.1 echo -e $GREEN"\t* Launching logging process"$DEFAULT screen -S "Logging_AIL" -X screen -t "LogQueue" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; log_subscriber -p 6380 -c Queuing -l ../logs/; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Logging_AIL" -X screen -t "LogScript" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; log_subscriber -p 6380 -c Script -l ../logs/; read x' } function launching_queues { screen -dmS "Queue_AIL" sleep 0.1 echo -e $GREEN"\t* Launching all the queues"$DEFAULT screen -S "Queue_AIL" -X screen -t "Queues" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; python3 launch_queues.py; read x' } function checking_configuration { bin_dir=${AIL_HOME}/bin echo -e "\t* Checking configuration" if [ "$1" == "automatic" ]; then bash -c "python3 $bin_dir/Update-conf.py True" else bash -c "python3 $bin_dir/Update-conf.py False" fi exitStatus=$? if [ $exitStatus -ge 1 ]; then echo -e $RED"\t* Configuration not up-to-date"$DEFAULT exit fi echo -e $GREEN"\t* Configuration up-to-date"$DEFAULT } function launching_scripts { checking_configuration $1; screen -dmS "Script_AIL" sleep 0.1 echo -e $GREEN"\t* Launching ZMQ scripts"$DEFAULT screen -S "Script_AIL" -X screen -t "ModuleInformation" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; ./ModulesInformationV2.py -k 0 -c 1; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Script_AIL" -X screen -t "Mixer" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; ./Mixer.py; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Script_AIL" -X screen -t "Global" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; ./Global.py; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Script_AIL" -X screen -t "Duplicates" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; ./Duplicates.py; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Script_AIL" -X screen -t "Lines" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; ./Lines.py; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Script_AIL" -X screen -t "DomClassifier" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; ./DomClassifier.py; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Script_AIL" -X screen -t "Categ" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; ./Categ.py; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Script_AIL" -X screen -t "Tokenize" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; ./Tokenize.py; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Script_AIL" -X screen -t "CreditCards" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; ./CreditCards.py; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Script_AIL" -X screen -t "Onion" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; ./Onion.py; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Script_AIL" -X screen -t "Mail" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; ./Mail.py; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Script_AIL" -X screen -t "ApiKey" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; ./ApiKey.py; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Script_AIL" -X screen -t "Web" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; ./Web.py; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Script_AIL" -X screen -t "Credential" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; ./Credential.py; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Script_AIL" -X screen -t "Curve" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; ./Curve.py; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Script_AIL" -X screen -t "CurveManageTopSets" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; ./CurveManageTopSets.py; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Script_AIL" -X screen -t "RegexForTermsFrequency" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; ./RegexForTermsFrequency.py; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Script_AIL" -X screen -t "SetForTermsFrequency" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; ./SetForTermsFrequency.py; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Script_AIL" -X screen -t "Indexer" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; ./Indexer.py; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Script_AIL" -X screen -t "Keys" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; ./Keys.py; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Script_AIL" -X screen -t "Decoder" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; ./Decoder.py; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Script_AIL" -X screen -t "Bitcoin" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; ./Bitcoin.py; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Script_AIL" -X screen -t "Phone" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; ./Phone.py; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Script_AIL" -X screen -t "Release" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; ./Release.py; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Script_AIL" -X screen -t "Cve" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; ./Cve.py; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Script_AIL" -X screen -t "WebStats" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; ./WebStats.py; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Script_AIL" -X screen -t "ModuleStats" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; ./ModuleStats.py; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Script_AIL" -X screen -t "SQLInjectionDetection" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; ./SQLInjectionDetection.py; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Script_AIL" -X screen -t "LibInjection" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; ./LibInjection.py; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Script_AIL" -X screen -t "alertHandler" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; ./alertHandler.py; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Script_AIL" -X screen -t "MISPtheHIVEfeeder" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; ./MISP_The_Hive_feeder.py; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Script_AIL" -X screen -t "Tags" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; ./Tags.py; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Script_AIL" -X screen -t "SentimentAnalysis" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; ./SentimentAnalysis.py; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Script_AIL" -X screen -t "SubmitPaste" bash -c 'cd '${AIL_BIN}'; ./submit_paste.py; read x' } function shutting_down_redis { redis_dir=${AIL_HOME}/redis/src/ bash -c $redis_dir'redis-cli -p 6379 SHUTDOWN' sleep 0.1 bash -c $redis_dir'redis-cli -p 6380 SHUTDOWN' sleep 0.1 bash -c $redis_dir'redis-cli -p 6381 SHUTDOWN' } function shutting_down_ardb { redis_dir=${AIL_HOME}/redis/src/ bash -c $redis_dir'redis-cli -p 6382 SHUTDOWN' } function checking_redis { flag_redis=0 redis_dir=${AIL_HOME}/redis/src/ bash -c $redis_dir'redis-cli -p 6379 PING | grep "PONG" &> /dev/null' if [ ! $? == 0 ]; then echo -e $RED"\t6379 not ready"$DEFAULT flag_redis=1 fi sleep 0.1 bash -c $redis_dir'redis-cli -p 6380 PING | grep "PONG" &> /dev/null' if [ ! $? == 0 ]; then echo -e $RED"\t6380 not ready"$DEFAULT flag_redis=1 fi sleep 0.1 bash -c $redis_dir'redis-cli -p 6381 PING | grep "PONG" &> /dev/null' if [ ! $? == 0 ]; then echo -e $RED"\t6381 not ready"$DEFAULT flag_redis=1 fi sleep 0.1 return $flag_redis; } function checking_ardb { flag_ardb=0 redis_dir=${AIL_HOME}/redis/src/ sleep 0.2 bash -c $redis_dir'redis-cli -p 6382 PING | grep "PONG" &> /dev/null' if [ ! $? == 0 ]; then echo -e $RED"\t6382 ARDB not ready"$DEFAULT flag_ardb=1 fi return $flag_ardb; } function launch_redis { if [[ ! $isredis ]]; then launching_redis; else echo -e $RED"\t* A screen is already launched"$DEFAULT fi } function launch_ardb { if [[ ! $isardb ]]; then launching_ardb; else echo -e $RED"\t* A screen is already launched"$DEFAULT fi } function launch_logs { if [[ ! $islogged ]]; then launching_logs; else echo -e $RED"\t* A screen is already launched"$DEFAULT fi } function launch_queues { if [[ ! $isqueued ]]; then launching_queues; else echo -e $RED"\t* A screen is already launched"$DEFAULT fi } function launch_scripts { if [[ ! $isscripted ]]; then sleep 1 if checking_ardb && checking_redis; then launching_scripts $1; else no_script_launched=true while $no_script_launched; do echo -e $YELLOW"\tScript not started, waiting 5 more secondes"$DEFAULT sleep 5 if checking_redis && checking_ardb; then launching_scripts $1; no_script_launched=false else echo -e $RED"\tScript not started"$DEFAULT fi; done fi; else echo -e $RED"\t* A screen is already launched"$DEFAULT fi } function launch_flask { if [[ ! $isflasked ]]; then flask_dir=${AIL_FLASK} screen -dmS "Flask_AIL" sleep 0.1 echo -e $GREEN"\t* Launching Flask server"$DEFAULT screen -S "Flask_AIL" -X screen -t "Flask_server" bash -c "cd $flask_dir; ls; ./Flask_server.py; read x" else echo -e $RED"\t* A Flask screen is already launched"$DEFAULT fi } function killall { if [[ $isredis || $isardb || $islogged || $isqueued || $isscripted || $isflasked ]]; then echo -e $GREEN"Gracefully closing redis servers"$DEFAULT shutting_down_redis; sleep 0.2 echo -e $GREEN"Gracefully closing ardb servers"$DEFAULT shutting_down_ardb; echo -e $GREEN"Killing all"$DEFAULT kill $isredis $isardb $islogged $isqueued $isscripted $isflasked sleep 0.2 echo -e $ROSE`screen -ls`$DEFAULT echo -e $GREEN"\t* $isredis $isardb $islogged $isqueued $isscripted killed."$DEFAULT else echo -e $RED"\t* No screen to kill"$DEFAULT fi } function shutdown { bash -c "./Shutdown.py" } function update_thirdparty { echo -e "\t* Updating thirdparty..." bash -c "(cd ${AIL_FLASK}; ./update_thirdparty.sh)" exitStatus=$? if [ $exitStatus -ge 1 ]; then echo -e $RED"\t* Thirdparty not up-to-date"$DEFAULT exit else echo -e $GREEN"\t* Thirdparty updated"$DEFAULT fi } function launch_all { launch_redis; launch_ardb; launch_logs; launch_queues; launch_scripts $1; launch_flask; } #If no params, display the menu [[ $@ ]] || { helptext; options=("Redis" "Ardb" "Logs" "Queues" "Scripts" "Flask" "Killall" "Shutdown" "Update-config" "Update-thirdparty") menu() { echo "What do you want to Launch?:" for i in ${!options[@]}; do printf "%3d%s) %s\n" $((i+1)) "${choices[i]:- }" "${options[i]}" done [[ "$msg" ]] && echo "$msg"; : } prompt="Check an option (again to uncheck, ENTER when done): " while menu && read -rp "$prompt" numinput && [[ "$numinput" ]]; do for num in $numinput; do [[ "$num" != *[![:digit:]]* ]] && (( num > 0 && num <= ${#options[@]} )) || { msg="Invalid option: $num"; break } ((num--)); msg="${options[num]} was ${choices[num]:+un}checked" [[ "${choices[num]}" ]] && choices[num]="" || choices[num]="+" done done for i in ${!options[@]}; do if [[ "${choices[i]}" ]]; then case ${options[i]} in Redis) launch_redis ;; Ardb) launch_ardb; ;; Logs) launch_logs; ;; Queues) launch_queues; ;; Scripts) launch_scripts; ;; Flask) launch_flask; ;; Killall) killall; ;; Shutdown) shutdown; ;; Update-config) checking_configuration "manual"; ;; Update-thirdparty) update_thirdparty; ;; esac fi done exit } while [ "$1" != "" ]; do case $1 in -l | --launchAuto ) launch_all "automatic"; ;; -k | --killAll ) killall; ;; -c | --configUpdate ) checking_configuration "manual"; ;; -t | --thirdpartyUpdate ) update_thirdparty; ;; -h | --help ) helptext; exit ;; * ) helptext exit 1 esac shift done