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synced 2025-03-21 05:49:56 +00:00
Added script flexgauge
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1 changed files with 438 additions and 0 deletions
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@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
* FlexGauge
* Version: 1.0
* Author: Jeff Millies
* Author URI:
(function ($) {
var FlexGauge = function (o) {
if (typeof o === 'object') {
this._extendOptions(o, false);
FlexGauge.prototype = {
* {String} Element that you would like to append to. ie '#idname', '.classname', 'div#idname', etc..
appendTo: 'body',
* {String} Id of Canvas already created or Id of canvas that will be created automatically
elementId: 'canvas',
* {String} Class of canvas created
elementClass: 'canvas',
* {Int} Canvas Width & Height
elementWidth: 200,
elementHeight: 200,
* {Boolean|String} Generate Dial Value for the Gauge, true will use arcFillPercent or arcFillInt
* depending on provided values and specified dialUnits, string will use specified value
dialValue: false,
* {String} Class applied to div when dial is generated.
dialClass: 'fg-dial',
* {string: %|$| } Type of unit to use for the dial
dialUnit: '%',
* {string: before|after} Where the dial unit will be displayed
dialUnitPosition: 'after',
* {Boolean|String} Generate Label for the Gauge, true will use default "FlexGauge", string will use specified
dialLabel: false,
* {String} Class applied to div when label is generated.
dialLabelClass: 'fg-dial-label',
* {Int} Radius of the arc
inc: 0.0,
incTot: 1.0,
* {Doule} Increment value
arcSize: 85,
* {double} Starting and Ending location of the arc, End always needs to be larger
* arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, anticlockwise)
arcAngleStart: 0.85,
arcAngleEnd: 2.15,
* {double} Percentage the arc fills
arcFillPercent: .5,
* {Int} Starting and Ending values that are used to
* find a difference for amount of units
* ie: 60 (arcFillEnd) - 10 (arcFillStart) = 50
arcFillStart: null,
arcFillEnd: null,
* {Int} Data used to find out what percentage of the
* arc to fill. arcFillInt can be populated by
* the difference of arcFillStart and arcFillEnd
arcFillInt: null,
arcFillTotal: null,
* {Int} Color lightness: 0 - 255, 0 having no white added, 255 having all white and no color
arcBgColorLight: 80,
* {Int} Color saturation: 0 - 100, 0 having no color, 100 is full color
arcBgColorSat: 60,
* {Int} Size of the line marking the percentage
arcStrokeFg: 30,
* {Int} Size of the container holding the line
arcStrokeBg: 30,
* {string: hex} Color of the line marking the percentage
colorArcFg: '#5bc0de',
* {string: hex} Color of the container holding the line, default is using the Fg color and lightening it
colorArcBg: null,
* {String} Instead of providing a color or hex for the color, you can provide a class from the style
* sheet and specify what you would like to grab for the color in styleSrc
styleArcFg: null,
styleArcBg: null,
styleSrc: 'color',
* {Boolean} If set to false, then the graph will not be animated
animateEasing: true,
* {Int} Speed for the animation, 1 is fastest, higher the number, slower the animation
animateSpeed: 5,
* {Int} Math used in animation speed
animateNumerator: 12,
animateDivisor: 15,
* {double} Placeholder for current percentage while animating
_animatePerc: 0.00,
* {Object} Placeholder for setInterval
_animateLoop: null,
* {Object} Placeholder for canvas
_canvas: null,
* {Object} Placeholder for canvas context
_ctx: null,
update: function (o) {
if (typeof o === 'object') {
var difference;
// if using int, convert to percent to check difference
if (typeof o.arcFillInt !== 'undefined' && o.arcFillInt == this.arcFillInt &&
typeof o.arcFillTotal !== 'undefined' && o.arcFillTotal == this.arcFillTotal) {
o.arcFillPercent = this.arcFillPercent;
} else if (typeof o.arcFillInt !== 'undefined' && typeof o.arcFillTotal !== 'undefined' &&
(o.arcFillInt != this.arcFillInt || o.arcFillTotal == this.arcFillTotal)) {
o.arcFillPercent = (o.arcFillInt / o.arcFillTotal);
} else if (typeof o.arcFillInt !== 'undefined' && typeof o.arcFillTotal === 'undefined' &&
(o.arcFillInt != this.arcFillInt)) {
o.arcFillPercent = (o.arcFillInt / this.arcFillTotal);
if (typeof o.arcFillPercent !== 'undefined') {
difference = Math.abs((this.arcFillPercent - o.arcFillPercent));
} else {
difference = this.arcFillPercent;
this._extendOptions(o, true);
if (difference > 0) {
var that = this;
this._animateLoop = setInterval(function () {
return that._animate();
}, (this.animateSpeed * this.animateNumerator) / (difference * this.animateDivisor));
_extendOptions: function (o, update) {
var color = false;
if (update)
color = this.colorArcFg;
$.extend(this, o, true);
if (typeof o.arcFillStart !== 'undefined' && typeof o.arcFillEnd !== 'undefined' && typeof o.arcFillTotal !== 'undefined') {
this.arcFillInt = (o.arcFillEnd - o.arcFillStart);
if (typeof o.arcFillPercent === 'undefined' && this.arcFillInt !== null && this.arcFillInt >= 0 && this.arcFillTotal !== null && this.arcFillTotal > 0) {
this.arcFillPercent = this.arcFillInt / this.arcFillTotal;
if (typeof o.elementId === 'undefined') {
this.elementId = 'fg-' + this.appendTo + '-canvas';
// supporting color if pass, changing to hex
if (typeof o.colorArcFg !== 'undefined') {
this.colorArcFg = colorToHex(o.colorArcFg);
if (typeof o.colorArcBg !== 'undefined') {
this.colorArcBg = colorToHex(o.colorArcBg);
// only use the styleArcFg if colorArcFg wasn't specified in the options
if (typeof o.styleArcFg !== 'undefined' && typeof o.colorArcFg === 'undefined') {
this.colorArcFg = getStyleRuleValue(this.styleSrc, this.styleArcFg);
if (typeof o.colorArcBg === 'undefined' && this.colorArcBg === null && this.colorArcFg !== null) {
this.colorArcBg = this.colorArcFg;
if (typeof this.colorArcBg !== null && (!update || colorToHex(this.colorArcFg) != colorToHex(color))) {
if (colorToHex(this.colorArcFg) != colorToHex(color))
this.colorArcBg = this.colorArcFg;
this.colorArcBg = shadeColor(this.colorArcBg, this.arcBgColorLight, this.arcBgColorSat);
if (typeof o.dialLabel === 'boolean' && o.dialLabel) {
this.dialLabel = 'FlexGauge';
_build: function () {
if (document.getElementById(this.elementId) === null) {
$(this.appendTo).append('<canvas id="' + this.elementId + '" width="' + this.elementWidth + '" height="' + this.elementHeight + '"></canvas>');
this._canvas = document.getElementById(this.elementId);
this._ctx = this._canvas.getContext("2d");
this.arcAngleStart = this.arcAngleStart * Math.PI;
this.arcAngleEnd = this.arcAngleEnd * Math.PI;
if (this.animateEasing === false) {
this._animatePerc = this.arcFillPercent;
var that = this;
this._animateLoop = setInterval(function () {
return that._animate();
}, (this.animateSpeed * this.animateNumerator) / (this.arcFillPercent * this.animateDivisor));
_animate: function () {
var animateInt = Math.round(this._animatePerc * 100);
var arcInt = Math.round(this.arcFillPercent * 100);
if (animateInt < arcInt)
this._animatePerc = (animateInt / 100);
if (animateInt === arcInt) {
this.arcFillPercent = this._animatePerc;
_draw: function () {
//Clear the canvas everytime a chart is drawn
this._ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.elementWidth, this.elementHeight);
//Background 360 degree arc
this._ctx.strokeStyle = this.colorArcBg;
this._ctx.lineWidth = this.arcStrokeBg;
this.elementWidth / 2,
this.elementHeight / 2 + 50,
//var newEnd = ((this.arcAngleEnd - this.arcAngleStart) * this._animatePerc) + this.arcAngleStart;
var newStart;
var newEnd;
var incArc = this.inc*Math.PI/2;
if (this.inc >= 0.0){
newStart = -Math.PI/2;
newEnd = newStart + incArc;
} else {
newStart = -Math.PI/2 + incArc;
newEnd = -Math.PI/2;
var colorShadesTabRed = ['#ff0000','#ff4000','#ff8000','#ff9900','#ffbf00','#ffff00'];
var colorShadesTabGreen = ['#ffff00','#E0FF00','#D0FF00','#a0ff00','#00ff00','#00ff40',];
var colorValue = parseInt(Math.abs((this.inc / this.incTot) * 5));
var theColor;
if (this.inc >= 0.0)
theColor = colorShadesTabGreen[colorValue];
theColor = colorShadesTabRed[5-colorValue];
this.colorArcFg = theColor;
this._ctx.strokeStyle = this.colorArcFg;
this._ctx.lineWidth = this.arcStrokeFg;
this.elementWidth / 2,
this.elementHeight / 2 + 50,
_renderLabel: function () {
if (this.dialValue) {
var dialVal;
var dial = $(this.appendTo).find('div.' + this.dialClass);
if (dial.length === 0) {
$(this.appendTo).append('<div class="' + this.dialClass + '"></div>');
dial = $(this.appendTo).find('div.' + this.dialClass);
if (typeof this.dialValue === 'boolean') {
switch (this.dialUnit) {
case '%':
dialVal = Math.round(this._animatePerc * 100);
dialVal = Math.round(this.arcFillInt * (this._animatePerc / this.arcFillPercent));
dialVal = (isNaN(dialVal) ? 0 : dialVal);
switch (this.dialUnitPosition) {
case 'before':
dialVal = this.dialUnit + dialVal;
case 'after':
dialVal = dialVal + this.dialUnit;
} else {
dialVal = this.dialValue;
if (this.dialLabel) {
var label = $(this.appendTo).find('div.' + this.dialLabelClass);
if (label.length === 0) {
$(this.appendTo).append('<div class="' + this.dialLabelClass + '"></div>');
label = $(this.appendTo).find('div.' + this.dialLabelClass);
function shadeColor(col, amt, sat) {
if (col[0] == "#") {
col = col.slice(1);
var num = parseInt(col, 16);
var r = (num >> 16) + amt;
if (r > 255) r = 255;
else if (r < 0) r = 0;
var b = ((num >> 8) & 0x00FF) + amt;
if (b > 255) b = 255;
else if (b < 0) b = 0;
var g = (num & 0x0000FF) + amt;
if (g > 255) g = 255;
else if (g < 0) g = 0;
var gray = r * 0.3086 + g * 0.6094 + b * 0.0820;
sat = (sat / 100);
r = Math.round(r * sat + gray * (1 - sat));
g = Math.round(g * sat + gray * (1 - sat));
b = Math.round(b * sat + gray * (1 - sat));
return "#" + (g | (b << 8) | (r << 16)).toString(16);
function getStyleRuleValue(style, selector) {
$('body').append('<div id="getStyleRuleValue-' + selector + '"></div>');
var element = $('#getStyleRuleValue-' + selector);
var color = element.css(style);
var hex = colorToHex(color);
return hex;
function colorToHex(color) {
if (color[0] != 'r')
return color;
var rgb = color.match(/^rgb\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)$/);
return "#" +
("0" + parseInt(rgb[1], 10).toString(16)).slice(-2) +
("0" + parseInt(rgb[2], 10).toString(16)).slice(-2) +
("0" + parseInt(rgb[3], 10).toString(16)).slice(-2);
if (typeof define === 'function') {
define('flex-gauge', ['jquery'], function ($) {
return FlexGauge;
} else {
window.FlexGauge = FlexGauge;
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