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If it's 1, each line will be numbered + stringstyle=\color{mymauve}, % string literal style + tabsize=2, % sets default tabsize to 2 spaces + title=\lstname % show the filename of files included with \lstinputlisting; also try caption instead of title +} +\lstset{style=code} + + +\AtBeginSection[]{ + \begin{frame} + \vfill + \centering + \begin{beamercolorbox}[sep=8pt,center,shadow=true,rounded=true]{title} + {\color{white} \usebeamerfont{title}\insertsectionhead}\par% + \end{beamercolorbox} + \vfill + \end{frame} +} + +\author{\Large{Alexandre Dulaunoy}\\ \scriptsize{alexandre.dulaunoy@circl.lu}\\ \large{Aurélien Thirion}\\ \scriptsize{aurelien.thirion@circl.lu}\\} +\title{AIL Framework for Analysis of Information Leaks} +\subtitle{data mining - website and darkweb correlation} +\institute{info@circl.lu} +\date{\today} + +\begin{document} + + +\begin{frame}[t,plain] +\titlepage +\end{frame} +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Privacy, AIL and GDPR} + \begin{itemize} + \item Many modules in AIL can process personal data and even special categories of data as defined in GDPR (Art. 9). + \item The data controller is often the operator of the AIL framework (limited to the organisation) and has to define {\bf legal grounds for processing personal data}. + \item To help users of AIL framework, a document is available which describe points of AIL in regards to the regulation\footnote{\url{https://www.circl.lu/assets/files/inform +ation-leaks-analysis-and-gdpr.pdf}}. + \end{itemize} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Potential legal grounds} + \begin{itemize} + \item {\bf Consent of the data subject} is in many cases not feasible in practice and often impossible or illogical to obtain (Art. 6(1)(a)). + \item Legal obligation (Art. 6(1)(c)) - This legal ground applies mostly to CSIRTs, in accordance with the powers and responsibilities set out in CSIRTs mandate and with their constituency, as they may have the legal obligation to collect, analyse and share information leaks without having a prior consent of the data subject. + \item Art. 6(1)(f) - Legitimate interest - Recital 49 explicitly refers to CSIRTs’ right to process personal data provided that they have a legitimate interest but not colliding with fundamental rights and freedoms of data subject. + \end{itemize} +\end{frame} + + + + +\section{Objectives} +\begin{frame} +\frametitle{Our objectives} + \begin{itemize} + \item Show how to use and extend an open source tool to monitor web pages, pastes, forums and hidden services + \item Explain challenges and the design of the AIL open source framework + \item Learn how to create new modules + \item Learn how to use, install and start AIL + \item {\bf Supporting investigation using the AIL framework} + \end{itemize} +\end{frame} + +\section{AIL Framework} +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{From a requirement to a solution: AIL Framework} + \large{History:} + \begin{itemize} + \item AIL initially started as an \textbf{internship project} (2014) to evaluate the feasibility to automate the analysis of (un)structured information to find leaks. + \item In 2019, AIL framework is an \textbf{open source software} in Python. The software is actively used (and maintained) by CIRCL and many organisations. + \end{itemize} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{AIL Framework: A framework for Analysis of Information Leaks} + \begin{quote} +"AIL is a modular framework to analyse potential information leaks from unstructured data sources." + \end{quote} + \vskip0.5cm + + \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.0] + \tikzstyle{flux}=[->,>=latex, thick] + + \tikzstyle{node}=[circle,draw, align=center] + \tikzstyle{rect}=[rectangle,draw, align=center] + \tikzstyle{simplenode}=[align=center] + + \node[simplenode] (pastebin) at (0, 0) {\includegraphics[scale=0.20]{images/pastebin.png}}; + \node[simplenode] (leaks) at (4, -2) {Other leaks}; + \node[simplenode] (ail) at (4, 0) {\includegraphics[scale=0.3]{images/circl-small.png}}; + \node[simplenode] (res) at (8, 0) {\includegraphics[scale=0.1]{images/alert.png}}; + + \begin{scope} + \draw[flux] (pastebin.east) to (ail.west); + \foreach \i in {-2,...,-1}{% + \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\radius}{(sin(atan(\i*0.1))+0.1)*1cm} + %\draw[->] ([yshift=\i * 0.2 cm]pastebin.east) to [out=-50,in=-130] ([yshift=\i * 0.2 cm]ail.west) ;} + %\draw[->] ([xshift=\radius,yshift=\i * 0.2 cm]pastebin.east) to [out=-10+\i*10,in=-130] ([yshift=\i * 0.2 cm]ail.west) ;} + \draw[flux] ([xshift=\radius,yshift=\i * 0.2 cm]pastebin.east) to [out=-10+\i*10,in=-130] ([xshift=-\i*0.05cm,yshift=\i * 0.2 cm]ail.west) ;} + + \foreach \i in {1,...,3}{% + \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\radius}{(sin(atan(\i*0.1))-0.1)*1cm} + \draw[flux] ([xshift=-\radius,yshift=\i * 0.2 cm]pastebin.east) to [out=10+\i*10,in=130] ([xshift=\i*0.05cm,yshift=\i * 0.2 cm]ail.west) ;} + \draw[->,>=latex, very thick] (ail) to (res); + \draw[->,>=latex, very thick] (leaks) to (ail); + \end{scope} + + + \end{tikzpicture} +\end{frame} + +\section{Capabilities Overview} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Common usage} + \begin{itemize} + \item {\bf Check} if mail/password/other sensitive information (terms tracked) leaked + \item {\bf Detect} reconnaissance of your infrastructure + \item {\bf Search} for leaks inside an archive + \item {\bf Monitor} and crawl websites + \end{itemize} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Support CERT and Law Enforcement activities} + \begin{itemize} + \item Proactive investigation: leaks detection + \begin{itemize} + \item List of emails and passwords + \item Leaked database + \item AWS Keys + \item Credit-cards + \item PGP private keys + \item Certificate private keys + \end{itemize} + \item Feed Passive DNS or any passive collection system + \item CVE and PoC of vulnerabilities most used by attackers + \end{itemize} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Support CERT and Law Enforcement activities} + \begin{itemize} + \item Website monitoring + \begin{itemize} + \item monitor booters + \item Detect encoded exploits (WebShell, malware encoded in Base64, ...) + \item SQL injections + \end{itemize} + \item Automatic and manual submission to threat sharing and incident +response platforms + \begin{itemize} + \item MISP + \item TheHive + \end{itemize} + \item Term/Regex monitoring for local companies/government + \end{itemize} +\end{frame} + +\section{Sources of leaks} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Mistakes from users:} + \begin{figure} + \includegraphics[scale=0.4]{images/git-pass.png} + \end{figure} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Sources of leaks: Paste monitoring} + \begin{itemize} + \item Example: \url{http://pastebin.com/} + \begin{itemize} + \item Easily storing and sharing text online + \item Used by programmers and legitimate users + \item[] $\to$ Source code \& information about configurations + \end{itemize} + \pause + \item Abused by attackers to store: + \begin{itemize} + \item List of vulnerable/compromised sites + \item Software vulnerabilities (e.g. exploits) + \item Database dumps + \item[] $\to$ User data + \item[] $\to$ Credentials + \item[] $\to$ Credit card details + \item More and more ... + \end{itemize} + \end{itemize} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame}[t,plain] + \frametitle{Examples of pastes} + \begin{figure} + \includegraphics[scale=0.32, angle=0]{images/pastes-ex.png} + \end{figure} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Why so many leaks?} + \begin{itemize} + \item Economical interests (e.g. Adversaries promoting services) + \item Political motives (e.g. Adversaries showing off) + \item Collaboration (e.g. Criminals need to collaborate) + \item Operational infrastructure (e.g. malware exfiltrating information on a pastie website) + \item Mistakes and Errors + \end{itemize} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Are leaks frequent?} + \begin{center} + \Large{Yes!}\\ and we have to deal with this as a CSIRT. + \end{center} + + \begin{itemize} + \item {\bf Contacting companies or organisations} who did specific accidental leaks + \item {\bf Discussing with media} about specific case of leaks and how to make it more practical/factual for everyone + \item Evaluating the economical market for cyber criminals (e.g. DDoS booters\footnote{\url{https://github.com/D4-project/}} or reselling personal information - reality versus media coverage) + \item Analysing collateral effects of malware, software vulnerabilities or exfiltration + \end{itemize} + + \begin{center} + $\rightarrow$ And it's important to detect them automatically. + \end{center} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Paste monitoring at CIRCL: Statistics} + \begin{itemize} + \item Monitored paste sites: 27 + \begin{itemize} + \item \textit{pastebin.com} + \item \textit{ideone.com} + \item \textit{...} + \end{itemize} + \end{itemize} + \begin{table}[h] + \centering + \begin{tabular}{|lrrr|} + \hline + \rowcolor{lightgray} & 2016 & 2017 & 08.2018\\ + Collected pastes & 18,565,124 & 19,145,300 & 11,591,987 \\ + Incidents & 244 & 266 & 208\\ + \hline + \end{tabular} + \caption{Pastes collected and incident\footnote{\url{http://www.circl.lu/pub/tr-46}} raised by CIRCL} + \label{circlStats} + \end{table} +\end{frame} + + + + + + +\section{MISP} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{MISP Taxonomies} + \begin{itemize} + \item {\bf Tagging} is a simple way to attach a classification to an event or anattribute. + \item {\bf Classification must be globally used to be efficient.} + \item Provide a set of already defined classifications modeling estimative language + \item Taxonomies are implemented in a simple JSON format \footnote{\url{https://github.com/MISP/misp-taxonomies}}. + \item Can be easily cherry-picked or extended + \end{itemize} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Taxonomies useful in AIL} + \begin{itemize} + \item {\bf infoleak}: Information classified as being potential leak. + \item {\bf estimative-language}: Describe quality and credibility of underlying sources, data, and methodologies. + \item {\bf admiralty-scale}: Rank the reliability of a source and the credibility of an information + \item {\bf fpf\footnote{Future of Privacy Forum}}: Evaluate the degree of identifiability of personal data and the types of pseudonymous data, de-identified data and anonymous data. + \end{itemize} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Taxonomies useful in AIL} + \begin{itemize} + \item {\bf tor}: Describe Tor network infrastructure. + \item {\bf dark-web}: Criminal motivation on the dark web. + \item {\bf copine-scale\footnote{Combating Paedophile Information Networks in Europe}}: Categorise the severity of images of child sex abuse. + \end{itemize} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{threat sharing and incident response platforms} + \centerline{ + \includegraphics[scale=0.20]{images/circl-small.png} + \hskip 2em + $\longrightarrow$ + \hskip 2em + \includegraphics[scale=0.7]{images/MISP.png} + } + + \vskip 2em + \textbf{Goal:} submission to threat sharing and incident +response platforms. +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{threat sharing and incident response platforms} + \centerline{ + \includegraphics[scale=0.20]{images/circl-small.png} + \hskip 2em + $\longrightarrow$ + \hskip 2em + \includegraphics[scale=0.7]{images/MISP.png} + } + + \vskip 2em + \begin{enumerate} + \item Use infoleak taxonomy\footnote{\url{https://www.misp-project.org/taxonomies.html}} + \item Add your own tags + \item Create an event on a paste + \end{enumerate} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Automatic submission on tags} + \centerline{\includegraphics[scale=0.25]{screenshot/tag_auto_export.png}} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Create a MISP event} + \centerline{\includegraphics[scale=0.25]{screenshot/create-event-base64.png}} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Create a MISP event} + \centerline{\includegraphics[scale=0.25]{screenshot/create-misp-event-base64.png}} +\end{frame} + + +\section{Current capabilities} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{AIL Framework: Current capabilities} + \begin{itemize} + \item Extending AIL to add a new {\bf analysis module} can be done in 50 lines of Python + \item The framework {\bf supports multi-processors/cores by default}. Any analysis module can be started multiple times to support faster processing during peak times or bulk import + \item \textbf{Multiple} concurrent \textbf{data input} + \item Tor Crawler + \end{itemize} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{AIL Framework: Current features} + \begin{itemize} + \item Extracting \textbf{credit cards numbers, credentials, phone numbers, ...} + \item Extracting and validating potential \textbf{hostnames} + \item Keeps track of \textbf{duplicates} + \item Submission to threat sharing and incident response platform (\textbf{MISP} and \textbf{TheHive}) + \item \textbf{Full-text indexer} to index unstructured information + \item \textbf{Tagging} for classification and searches + \item Terms, sets and regex \textbf{tracking and occurences} + \item Archives, files and raw \textbf{submission} from the UI + \item PGP and Decoded (Base64, ...) Correlation + \item And many more + \end{itemize} +\end{frame} + + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Terms Tracker} + \begin{itemize} + \item Search and monitor specific keywords + \begin{itemize} + \item Automatic Tagging + \item Email Notifications + \end{itemize} + \item Track Term + \begin{itemize} + \item ddos + \end{itemize} + \item Track Set + \begin{itemize} + \item booter,ddos,stresser;2 + \end{itemize} + \item Trag Regex + \begin{itemize} + \item circl\textbackslash.lu + + \end{itemize} + \end{itemize} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Terms Tracker:} + \begin{figure} + \includegraphics[scale=0.22]{images/term-tracker.png} + \end{figure} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Terms Tracker - Practical part} + \begin{itemize} + \item \textbf{Create and test} your own term tracker + \includegraphics[scale=0.3]{images/term-tracker-create.png} + \end{itemize} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Recon and intelligence gathering tools} + \begin{itemize} + \item {\bf Attacker also share informations} + \item Recon tools detected: 94 + \begin{itemize} + \item sqlmap + \item dnscan + \item whois + \item msfconsole (metasploit) + \item dnmap + \item nmap + \item ... + \end{itemize} + \end{itemize} +\end{frame} + + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Recon and intelligence gathering tools} + \begin{figure} + \includegraphics[scale=0.4]{images/recon-paste.png} + \end{figure} +\end{frame} + + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Decoder} + \begin{itemize} + \item Search for encoded strings + \begin{itemize} + \item Base64 + \item Hexadecimal + \item Binary + \end{itemize} + \item Guess Mime-type + \item Correlate paste with decoded items + \end{itemize} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Decoder: Practical Part} + \begin{itemize} + \item[] Which type of decoded file have the highest size ? + \end{itemize} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Decoder: Practical Part} + \centerline{ + \includegraphics[scale=0.23]{images/decoded-dos.png} + } +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle {Crawler} + \begin{itemize} + \item Crawlers are used to navigate on regular website as well as .onion addresses (via automatic extraction of urls or manual submission) + \item Splash ("scriptable" browser) is rending the pages (including javascript) and produce screenshots (HAR archive too) + \end{itemize} +\begin{figure}[h] + \centering + \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.0, + mymatrix/.style={matrix of nodes, nodes=typetag, row sep=1em}, + mycontainer/.style={draw=gray, inner sep=1ex}, + typetag/.style={draw=gray, inner sep=1ex, anchor=west}, + title/.style={draw=none, color=gray, inner sep=0pt} + ] + + %styles + \tikzstyle{Docker}=[ellipse,draw,align=center] + \tikzstyle{AIL}=[rectangle,draw, align=center, fill={rgb:red,1;green,2;blue,5}] + \tikzstyle{Splash}=[rectangle,draw, align=center, fill={rgb:red,1;green,2;blue,5}] + \tikzstyle{commu}=[<->,>=latex,very thick] + + %nodes + \matrix[mymatrix] (mx1) at (0, 0) { + |[title]|Docker container \\ + Splash \\ + }; + \matrix[mymatrix, right=of mx1.north east, matrix anchor=north west] (mx2) { + %\matrix[mymatrix] (mx2) at (1, 0) { + |[title]|... \\ + }; + \matrix[mymatrix, right=of mx2.north east, matrix anchor=north west] (mx3) { + %\matrix[mymatrix] (mx3) (2, 0){ + |[title]|Docker container \\ + Splash \\ + }; + + \node[mycontainer, fit=(mx1)] (c1) {}; + \node[mycontainer, fit=(mx2)] (c2) {}; + \node[mycontainer, fit=(mx3)] (c3) {}; + + %\node[AIL, below=of mx2.south, matrix anchor=north] (ail) {\color{white}AIL-framework}; + \node[AIL, below= 3cm of mx2.south, matrix anchor=north] (ail) {\color{white}AIL-framework}; + + %arraws + \draw[commu] (ail)--(c1); + \draw[commu] (ail)--(c2); + \draw[commu] (ail)--(c3); + + + \end{tikzpicture} +\end{figure} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Crawler} + \begin{itemize} + \item[] How a domain is crawled by default + \begin{enumerate} + \item Fetch the first url + \item Render javascript (webkit browser) + \item Extract all urls + \item Filter url: keep all url of this domain + \item crawl next url (max depth = 1) + \end{enumerate} + \end{itemize} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Crawler: DDoS Booter} + \centerline{ + \includegraphics[scale=0.23]{images/crawled-ddos.png} + } +\end{frame} + +\section{Correlations and relationship} + +\section{Live demo!} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Example: Dashboard} + \begin{figure} + \includegraphics[scale=0.18, angle=0]{screenshot/dashboard.png} + \end{figure} +\end{frame} + + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Example: Text search} + \begin{figure} + \includegraphics[scale=0.3, angle=0]{images/ail_02.png} + \end{figure} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Example: Pastes Metadata (1)} + \begin{figure} + \includegraphics[scale=0.21, angle=0]{images/ail_15.png} + \end{figure} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Example: Pastes Metadata (2)} + \begin{figure} + \includegraphics[scale=0.28, angle=0]{images/ail_16.png} + \end{figure} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Example: Pastes Metadata (3)} + \begin{figure} + \includegraphics[scale=0.28, angle=0]{images/ail_17.png} + \end{figure} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Example: Browsing content} + \begin{figure} + \includegraphics[scale=0.3, angle=0]{images/ail_04.png} + \end{figure} +\end{frame} + + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Example: Browsing content} + \begin{figure} + \includegraphics[scale=0.3, angle=0]{images/ail_06.png} + \end{figure} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Example: Search by tags} + \begin{figure} + \includegraphics[scale=0.26, angle=0]{images/ail_14.png} + \end{figure} +\end{frame} + +\section{API} + + +\section{Setting up the framework} +\lstset{style=bash} +\begin{frame}[fragile] + \frametitle{Setting up AIL-Framework from source or virtual machine} + \begin{tcblisting}{colback=black!85,coltext=green,listing only, + title=Setting up AIL-Framework from source, fonttitle=\bfseries} +git clone https://github.com/CIRCL/AIL-framework.git +cd AIL-framework +./installing_deps.sh +\end{tcblisting} +\end{frame} + +\section{AIL ecosystem - Challenges and design} +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{AIL ecosystem: Technologies used} + \begin{itemize} + \item[] \textbf{Programming language:} Full python3 + \item[] \textbf{Databases:} Redis and ARDB + \item[] \textbf{Server:} Flask + \item[] \textbf{Data message passing:} ZMQ, Redis list and Redis Publisher/Subscriber + \end{itemize} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame}[fragile] + \textbf{\large AIL global architecture 1/2}\\ + + \begin{figure} + \centering + \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.2] + %styles + \tikzstyle{mymatrix}=[matrix of nodes, nodes=typetag, row sep=0.3em, draw=gray, fill={rgb:red,0.04;green,0.43;blue,0.89}] + \tikzstyle{mycontainer}=[draw=gray, inner sep=1ex] + \tikzstyle{typetag}=[draw=gray, inner sep=1ex, anchor=west, color=lightgray] + \tikzstyle{title}=[draw=none, color=white, inner sep=0pt] + + \tikzstyle{feeder}=[rounded rectangle,draw, align=center, fill={rgb:red,1;green,5;blue,2}] + \tikzstyle{ail}=[rectangle,draw, align=center, fill={rgb:red,0.04;green,0.43;blue,0.89}] + \tikzstyle{ail2}=[rectangle,draw, align=center, fill={rgb:red,0.74;green,0.43;blue,0.89}] + \tikzstyle{storage}=[ellipse,draw, align=center, fill={rgb:red,3;green,3;blue,3}] + \tikzstyle{commu}=[->,>=latex,very thick] + \tikzstyle{commuboth}=[<->,>=latex,very thick] + + %nodes + \node[feeder] (f1) at (0,0) {\color{white}ZMQ feed}; + \node[feeder] (f2) at (0,-0.5) {\color{white}\texttt{API}}; + \node[feeder] (f3) at (0,-1) {\color{white}Via GUI}; + + \node[storage] (st1) at (2.5,-0.5) {\color{white}ZMQ}; + + \matrix[mymatrix] (a2) at (4,-3) { + |[title]|AIL framework\\ + Credentials & credit-cards\\ + CVEs & API keys\\ + Emails & Bank account\\ + Onions & $\cdots$\\ + }; + + \node[storage] (st2) at (5,0) {\color{white}Redis\\\color{white}ARDB (RocksDB)}; + \node[ail2] (a3) at (5,1.5) {\color{white}Flask web interface}; + + %arraws + \draw[commu] (f1)--(st1); + \draw[commu] (f2)--(a2); + \draw[commu] (f3)--(a2); + + \draw[commu] (st1)--(a2); + + \draw[commuboth] (a2)--(st2); + + \draw[commuboth] (st2)--(a3); + + \end{tikzpicture} + \end{figure} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \textbf{\large AIL global architecture 2/2}\\ + {\tiny Redis PubSub 1: port 6380, channel queuing}\\ + \vskip -0.5em + {\tiny Redis PubSub 2: port 6380, channel script} + + \begin{center} + \vskip -2.0em + \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.0] + %styles + \tikzstyle{queue}=[ellipse,draw,align=center] + \tikzstyle{module}=[rectangle,draw, align=center, fill={rgb:red,1;green,2;blue,5}] + \tikzstyle{commu}=[->,>=latex,very thick] + \tikzstyle{subs}=[->,dashed,very thick] + %nodes + \node[module] (py) at (0,0.5) {\color{white}Pystemon}; + \node[module] (imp) at (4,0.5) {\color{white}\texttt{API}}; + \node[queue] (zmq) at (0,-0.7) {ZMQ}; + \node[module] (ail) at (0,-2) {\color{white}AIL Mixer}; + \node[queue] (rps1) at (-4,-3) {\tiny Redis set 1}; + \node[queue] (rps2) at (0,-3) {\tiny Redis set 2}; + \node[queue] (rps3) at (4,-3) {\tiny Redis set 3}; + \node[module] (m1) at (-2,-4) {\color{white}Module$_x$}; + \node[module] (m4) at (-4,-4) {\color{white}Module$_x$}; + \node[module] (m2) at (0,-4) {\color{white}Module$_y$}; + \node[module] (m3) at (2,-4) {\color{white}Module$_z$}; + \node[queue] (rps4) at (0,-5) {\tiny Redis PubSub}; + \node[module] (flask) at (0,-6.5) {\color{white}Flask server}; + + %arraws + \draw[commu] (py)--(zmq); + \draw[commu] (imp)--(zmq); + \draw[subs] (ail)--(zmq); + \draw[commu] (ail)--(rps1); + \draw[commu] (ail)--(rps2); + \draw[commu] (ail)--(rps3); + \draw[commu] (rps1)--(m1); + \draw[commu] (rps1)--(m4); + \draw[commu] (rps2)--(m2); + \draw[commu] (rps3)--(m3); + \draw[commu] (m1)--(rps4); + \draw[commu] (m4)--(rps4); + \draw[commu] (m3)--(rps4); + \draw[subs] (flask)--(rps4); + + \end{tikzpicture} + \end{center} + +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Data feeder: Gathering pastes with pystemon} + \textbf{\large Pystemon global architecture}\\ + {\tiny Redis PubSub 1: port 6380, channel queuing}\\ + \vskip -0.5em + {\tiny Redis PubSub 2: port 6380, channel script} + + \begin{center} + %\vskip -2.0em + \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.2] + %styles + \tikzstyle{queue}=[ellipse,draw,align=center] + \tikzstyle{module}=[rectangle,draw, align=center, fill={rgb:red,1;green,2;blue,5}] + \tikzstyle{commu}=[->,>=latex,very thick] + \tikzstyle{subs}=[->,dashed,very thick] + %nodes + \node[module] (py1) at (-0.5,1) {\color{white}\texttt{Pystemon$_1$}}; + \node[module] (py2) at (-0.5,0) {\color{white}\texttt{Pystemon$_2$}}; + \node[module] (py3) at (-0.5,-1) {\color{white}\texttt{Pystemon$_3$}}; + \node[queue] (red) at (2,0) {{\scriptsize Redis set}}; + \node[module] (dis) at (4,0) {\color{white}Dispatcher}; + \node[queue] (zmq) at (7,0) {\texttt{ZMQ:5555}}; + \node[module] (soc) at (7,1) {\color{white}\texttt{SOCAT:5555}}; + \node[module] (ail) at (7,-2) {\color{white}AIL Subscriber}; + + \node (c1) at (5.5,1.8) {Org}; + \node (c2) at (5,1.4) {Org}; + \node (c3) at (5,1) {Org}; + \node (c4) at (6.5,1.8) {Org}; + \node (c5) at (7.5,1.8) {Org}; + + + %arraws + \draw[commu] (py1)--(red); + \draw[commu] (py2)--(red); + \draw[commu] (py3)--(red); + \draw[commu] (dis)--(red); + \draw[commu] (dis)--(zmq); + \draw[commu] (soc)--(zmq); + \draw[subs] (ail)--(zmq); + + \draw[commu] (c1)--(soc); + \draw[commu] (c2)--(soc); + \draw[commu] (c3)--(soc); + \draw[commu] (c4)--(soc); + \draw[commu] (c5)--(soc); + + \end{tikzpicture} + \end{center} + + +\end{frame} + + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{AIL global architecture: Data streaming between module} + \centerline{\includegraphics[scale=0.15]{images/module-data-flow.png}} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{AIL global architecture: Data streaming between module (Credential example)} + \centerline{\includegraphics[scale=0.31]{images/stream_exemp_cred.png}} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Message consuming} + \begin{center} + \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.0] + %styles + \tikzstyle{queue}=[ellipse,draw,align=center] + \tikzstyle{module}=[rectangle,draw, align=center, fill={rgb:red,1;green,2;blue,5}] + \tikzstyle{commu}=[->,>=latex,very thick] + %nodes + \node[module] (m0) at (0,2) {\color{white}Module$_x$}; + \node[queue] (rps1) at (0,0) {Redis set}; + \node[module] (m1) at (-2,-2) {\color{white}Module$_y$}; + \node[module] (m2) at (2,-2) {\color{white}Module$_y$}; + + \node (t1) at (-1.6,-1) {\texttt{SPOP}}; + \node (t2) at (1.6,-1) {\texttt{SPOP}}; + \node (t3) at (0.5,1) {\texttt{SADD}}; + %arraws + \draw[commu] (m0)--(rps1); + \draw[commu] (rps1)--(m1); + \draw[commu] (rps1)--(m2); + + \end{tikzpicture} + + + \vskip 1em + \begin{itemize} + \item[] $\rightarrow$ No message lost nor double processing + \item[] $\rightarrow$ Multiprocessing! + \end{itemize} + \end{center} +\end{frame} + + +%STARTING THE SYSTEM +\section{Starting the framework} +\lstset{style=bash} +\begin{frame}[fragile] + \frametitle{Running your own instance from source} + {\scriptsize Make sure that ZMQ\_Global$\rightarrow$address = \texttt{tcp://crf.circl.lu:5556,tcp://} in configs/core.cfg} + \begin{tcblisting}{colback=black!85,coltext=green,listing only, + title=Accessing the environment and starting AIL, fonttitle=\bfseries} + +# Launch the system and the web interface +cd bin/ +./LAUNCH -l + +\end{tcblisting} +\end{frame} + +%\begin{frame}[fragile] +% \frametitle{Running your own instance using the virtual machine} +% Login and passwords: +% \lstset{style=default} +% \begin{lstlisting} +%Web interface (default network settings): +% +%Shell/SSH: +% ail/Password1234 +%Web interface: +% admin@admin.test/Password1234 +% \end{lstlisting} +%\end{frame} + +\section{Feeding the framework} +\begin{frame} +\frametitle{Feeding AIL} + There are different way to feed AIL with data: + \begin{enumerate} + \item Be a trusted partner with CIRCL and ask to get access to our feed {\tiny \href{mailto:info@circl.lu}{info@circl.lu}} + \item Setup \textit{pystemon} and use the custom feeder + \begin{itemize} + \item \textit{pystemon} will collect pastes for you + \end{itemize} + \item Feed your own data using the API or the \texttt{import\_dir.py} script + \item Feed your own file/text using the UI (\texttt{Submit section}) + \end{enumerate} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} +\frametitle{Feeding AIL} + There are different way to feed AIL with data: + \begin{enumerate} + \item CIRCL trusted partners can ask to access our feed {\tiny \href{mailto:info@circl.lu}{info@circl.lu}} + \begin{itemize} + \item[$\rhd$] You already have access + \end{itemize} + \item \st{Setup \textit{pystemon} and use the custom feeder} + \begin{itemize} + \item \st{\textit{pystemon} will collect pastes for you} + \end{itemize} + \item Feed your own data using the API or \texttt{import\_dir.py} script + \item Feed your own file/text using the UI (\texttt{Submit section}) + \end{enumerate} +\end{frame} + + + +%\begin{frame} +% \frametitle{Plug-in AIL to the CIRCL feed} +% You can freely access the CIRCL feed during this workshop! +% \begin{itemize} +% \item In the file \texttt{\large{bin/package/config.cfg}}, +% \item Set \texttt{ZMQ\_Global->address} to \texttt{tcp://crf.circl.lu:5556} +% \end{itemize} +%\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Via the UI (1)} + \centerline{\includegraphics[scale=0.20]{screenshot/paste_submit.png}} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Via the UI (2)} + \centerline{\includegraphics[scale=0.25]{screenshot/paste_submitted.png}} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame}[fragile] + \frametitle{Feeding AIL with your own data - API} + \begin{tcblisting}{colback=black!85,coltext=green,listing only, + title=api/v1/import/item, fonttitle=\bfseries} +{ + "type": "text", + "tags": [ + "infoleak:analyst-detection=\"private-key\"" + ], + "text": "text to import" +} +\end{tcblisting} + +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Feeding AIL with your own data - \texttt{import\_dir.py} (1)} + /!$\backslash$ requirements: + \vskip 1em + \begin{itemize} + \item Each file to be fed must be of a reasonable size: + \begin{itemize} + \item \texttt{$\sim$ 3 Mb /} file is already large + \item This is because some modules are doing regex matching + \item If you want to feed a large file, better split it in multiple ones + \end{itemize} + + \end{itemize} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Feeding AIL with your own data - \texttt{import\_dir.py} (2)} + \begin{enumerate} + \item Check your local configuration \texttt{\large{bin/package/config.cfg}} + \begin{itemize} + \item In the file \texttt{\large{bin/package/config.cfg}}, + \item Add \texttt{} in \texttt{ZMQ\_Global} + \item (should already be set by default) + \end{itemize} +% \pause + \item Launch \texttt{import\_dir.py} with de directory you want to import + \begin{itemize} + \item \texttt{import\_dir.py -d dir\_path} + \end{itemize} + \end{enumerate} +\end{frame} + +%DEVELOPING NEW FEATURES +\section{Creating new features} +%Modules flow +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Developing new features: Plug-in a module in the system} + \begin{enumerate} + \item[] Choose where to put your module in the data flow: + \end{enumerate} + \begin{figure} + \centerline{\includegraphics[scale=0.15]{images/module-data-flow.png}} + \end{figure} + \vskip -1em + \begin{enumerate} + \item[] Then, modify \texttt{bin/package/modules.cfg} accordingly + \end{enumerate} +\end{frame} + + +\lstset{style=code} +\lstset{basicstyle=\fontsize{6}{8}\ttfamily} +\begin{frame}[fragile] + \frametitle{Writing your own modules - \texttt{/bin/template.py}} + \begin{lstlisting} +import time +from pubsublogger import publisher +from Helper import Process +if __name__ == '__main__': + # logger setup + publisher.port = 6380 + publisher.channel = 'Script' + # Section name in configs/core.cfg + config_section = '
' + # Setup the I/O queues + p = Process(config_section) + # Endless loop getting messages from the input queue + while True: + # Get one message from the input queue + message = p.get_from_set() + if message is None: + publisher.debug("{} queue is empty, waiting".format(config_section)) + time.sleep(1) + continue + # Do something with the message from the queue + something_has_been_done = do_something(message) + \end{lstlisting} +\end{frame} + +\section{Practical part} +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Practical part: Pick your choice} + + \begin{enumerate} + \item Update support of docker/ansible + \item Graph database on \texttt{Credential.py} + \begin{itemize} + \item Top used passwords, most compromised user, ... + \end{itemize} + \item Webpage scrapper + \begin{itemize} + \item Download html from URL found in pastes + \item Re-inject html as paste in AIL + \end{itemize} + \item Improvement of \texttt{Phone.py} + \begin{itemize} + \item Way to much false positive as of now. Exploring new ways to validate phone numbers could be interesting + \end{itemize} + + \item \textbf{Your custom feature} + \end{enumerate} +\end{frame} + + +\section{Contribution rules} +\begin{frame} +\frametitle{How to contribute} + \centerline{\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{images/one-does-not-simply.jpeg}} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Glimpse of contributed features} + \begin{itemize} + \item Docker + \item Ansible + \item Email alerting + \item SQL injection detection + \item Phone number detection + \end{itemize} +\end{frame} + + +\begin{frame} +\frametitle{How to contribute} +%\o/ + \begin{itemize} + \item Feel free to fork the code, play with it, make some patches or add additional analysis modules. + \pause + \item Feel free to make a pull request for your contribution + \pause + \item That's it! + \end{itemize} + \begin{figure} + \includegraphics[scale=0.2]{images/dancing.png} + \end{figure} +\end{frame} + + + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Final words} + \begin{itemize} + \item Building AIL helped us to find additional leaks which cannot be found using manual analysis and {\bf improve the time to detect duplicate/recycled leaks}. + \vskip0.5cm + \item[] $\rightarrow$ Therefore quicker response time to assist and/or inform proactively affected constituents. + \end{itemize} +\end{frame} + + + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Ongoing developments} + \begin{itemize} + \item Python API wrapper + \item {\bf Data retention (export/import)} + \item MISP format support (MISP modules expansion) + \item auto Classify content by set of terms + \begin{itemize} + \item CE contents + \item DDOS booters + \item ... + \end{itemize} + \item Crawled items + \begin{itemize} + \item add screenshot correlation + \item duplicate crawled domains + \item tor indexer + \item crawler cookie authentication + \end{itemize} + \end{itemize} +\end{frame} + + +\section{Annexes} + + +%MANAGING THE SYSTEM +\subsection{Managing the framework} +\begin{frame}[fragile] + \frametitle{Managing AIL: Old fashion way} + \lstset{style=bash} + \begin{tcblisting}{colback=black!85,coltext=green,listing only, + title=Access the script screen, fonttitle=\bfseries} +screen -r Script +\end{tcblisting} +\begin{table} + \caption{GNU screen shortcuts} + \begin{tabular}{lr} + \toprule + Shortcut & Action \\ + \midrule + C-a d & detach screen \\ + \midrule + C-a c & Create new window \\ + \midrule + C-a n & next window screen \\ + \midrule + C-a p & previous window screen \\ + \bottomrule + \end{tabular} +\end{table} +\end{frame} + + +\begin{frame}[fragile] + \frametitle{Managing your modules: Using the helper} + \centerline{\includegraphics[scale=0.22]{images/moduleManager.png}} +\end{frame} + + + +\end{document} + diff --git a/doc/presentation/source-training/beamercolorthemechameleon.sty b/doc/presentation/source-training/beamercolorthemechameleon.sty new file mode 100644 index 00000000..27e4562b --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/presentation/source-training/beamercolorthemechameleon.sty @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +% Copyright 2007 by Marco Barisione +% +% This file may be distributed and/or modified +% +% 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or +% 2. under the GNU Public License. + +\mode + +%\definecolor{chameleongreen1}{RGB}{129,138,143} %grey CIRCL +\definecolor{chameleongreen1}{RGB}{213,43,30} +\definecolor{chameleongreen2}{RGB}{213,43,30} %red CIRCL +\definecolor{chameleongreen3}{RGB}{30,30,30} %black CIRCL +\definecolor{chameleongreen4}{RGB}{129,138,143} + +\setbeamercolor*{palette primary}{fg=white,bg=chameleongreen2} +\setbeamercolor*{palette secondary}{fg=white,bg=chameleongreen3} +\setbeamercolor*{palette tertiary}{fg=white,bg=chameleongreen4} +\setbeamercolor*{palette quaternary}{fg=white,bg=chameleongreen1} + +\setbeamercolor*{titlelike}{bg=chameleongreen3} +\setbeamercolor*{frametitle}{bg=black,fg=black} +\setbeamercolor*{part title}{bg=black,fg=black} 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the system +%cd bin/ +%./LAUNCH +% # check options 1->5 +% +%# Start web interface +%cd var/www/ +%./Flask_server.py +% # -> Browse http://localhost:7000/ +%\end{tcblisting} +% +% \lstset{style=default} +% \begin{lstlisting} +%Web interface (default network settings): +% +%Shell/SSH: +% ail/Password1234 +%\end{lstlisting} + +\end{frame} diff --git a/doc/presentation/source-training/images/MISP.png b/doc/presentation/source-training/images/MISP.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..314cafaf Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/presentation/source-training/images/MISP.png differ diff --git a/doc/presentation/source-training/images/ail_01.png b/doc/presentation/source-training/images/ail_01.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..95fe3439 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/presentation/source-training/images/ail_01.png differ diff --git a/doc/presentation/source-training/images/ail_02.png b/doc/presentation/source-training/images/ail_02.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2618a2bd 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