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2023-11-02 16:28:33 +01:00
Chats Viewer
import os
import sys
import time
import uuid
from datetime import datetime, timezone
2023-11-02 16:28:33 +01:00
# Import Project packages
from lib.ail_core import generate_uuid
2023-11-02 16:28:33 +01:00
from lib.ConfigLoader import ConfigLoader
from lib.objects import Chats
from lib.objects import ChatSubChannels
2023-11-29 16:28:25 +01:00
from lib.objects import ChatThreads
from lib.objects import Messages
from lib.objects.BarCodes import Barcode
from lib.objects.QrCodes import Qrcode
from lib.objects import UsersAccount
2023-11-08 11:25:30 +01:00
from lib.objects import Usernames
2024-01-16 12:04:39 +01:00
from lib import Language
2023-11-02 16:28:33 +01:00
config_loader = ConfigLoader()
r_db = config_loader.get_db_conn("Kvrocks_DB")
r_crawler = config_loader.get_db_conn("Kvrocks_Crawler")
r_cache = config_loader.get_redis_conn("Redis_Cache")
r_obj = config_loader.get_db_conn("Kvrocks_DB") # TEMP new DB ????
# # # # # # # #
# #
# #
# # # # # # # #
# TODO ChatDefaultPlatform
# CHAT(type=chat, subtype=platform, id= chat_id)
# Channel(type=channel, subtype=platform, id=channel_id)
# Thread(type=thread, subtype=platform, id=thread_id)
# Message(type=message, subtype=platform, id=message_id)
# Protocol/Platform
# class ChatProtocols: # TODO Remove Me
# def __init__(self): # name ???? subtype, id ????
# # discord, mattermost, ...
# pass
# def get_chat_protocols(self):
# pass
# def get_chat_protocol(self, protocol):
# pass
# ################################################################
# def get_instances(self):
# pass
# def get_chats(self):
# pass
# def get_chats_by_instance(self, instance):
# pass
# class ChatNetwork: # uuid or protocol
# def __init__(self, network='default'):
# = network
# def get_addresses(self):
# pass
# class ChatServerAddress: # uuid or protocol + network
# def __init__(self, address='default'):
# = address
# map uuid -> type + field
# TODO option last protocol/ imported messages/chat -> unread mode ????
# # # # # # # # #
# #
# PROTOCOLS # IRC, discord, mattermost, ...
# #
# # # # # # # # # TODO icon => UI explorer by protocol + network + instance
def get_chat_protocols():
return r_obj.smembers(f'chat:protocols')
def get_chat_protocols_meta():
metas = []
for protocol_id in get_chat_protocols():
protocol = ChatProtocol(protocol_id)
metas = sorted(metas, key=lambda d: d['id'])
2023-11-02 16:28:33 +01:00
return metas
class ChatProtocol: # TODO first seen last seen ???? + nb by day ????
def __init__(self, protocol): = protocol
def exists(self):
return r_db.exists(f'chat:protocol:{}')
def get_networks(self):
return r_db.smembers(f'chat:protocol:{}')
def get_nb_networks(self):
return r_db.scard(f'chat:protocol:{}')
def get_icon(self):
if == 'discord':
icon = {'style': 'fab', 'icon': 'fa-discord'}
elif == 'telegram':
icon = {'style': 'fab', 'icon': 'fa-telegram'}
icon = {}
return icon
def get_meta(self, options=set()):
meta = {'id':}
if 'icon' in options:
meta['icon'] = self.get_icon()
return meta
# def get_addresses(self):
# pass
# def get_instances_uuids(self):
# pass
# # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# #
# ChatServiceInstance #
# #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# uuid -> protocol + network + server
class ChatServiceInstance:
def __init__(self, instance_uuid):
self.uuid = instance_uuid
def exists(self):
return r_obj.exists(f'chatSerIns:{self.uuid}')
def get_protocol(self): # return objects ????
return r_obj.hget(f'chatSerIns:{self.uuid}', 'protocol')
def get_network(self): # return objects ????
network = r_obj.hget(f'chatSerIns:{self.uuid}', 'network')
if network:
return network
def get_address(self): # return objects ????
address = r_obj.hget(f'chatSerIns:{self.uuid}', 'address')
if address:
return address
def get_meta(self, options=set()):
meta = {'uuid': self.uuid,
'protocol': self.get_protocol(),
'network': self.get_network(),
'address': self.get_address()}
if 'chats' in options:
meta['chats'] = []
for chat_id in self.get_chats():
2024-01-26 16:06:42 +01:00
meta['chats'].append(Chats.Chat(chat_id, self.uuid).get_meta({'created_at', 'icon', 'nb_subchannels', 'nb_messages'}))
if 'chats_with_messages':
meta['chats'] = []
for chat_id in self.get_chats_with_messages():
2024-09-16 16:34:39 +02:00
Chats.Chat(chat_id, self.uuid).get_meta({'created_at', 'icon', 'nb_subchannels', 'nb_messages', 'username', 'str_username'}))
2023-11-02 16:28:33 +01:00
return meta
def get_nb_chats(self):
return Chats.Chats().get_nb_ids_by_subtype(self.uuid)
def get_chats(self):
return Chats.Chats().get_ids_by_subtype(self.uuid)
def get_chats_with_messages(self):
return Chats.Chats().get_ids_with_messages_by_subtype(self.uuid)
2023-11-02 16:28:33 +01:00
def get_chat_service_instances():
return r_obj.smembers(f'chatSerIns:all')
def get_chat_service_instances_by_protocol(protocol):
instance_uuids = {}
for network in r_obj.smembers(f'chat:protocol:networks:{protocol}'):
inst_uuids = r_obj.hvals(f'map:chatSerIns:{protocol}:{network}')
if not network:
network = 'default'
instance_uuids[network] = inst_uuids
return instance_uuids
2023-11-02 16:28:33 +01:00
def get_chat_service_instance_uuid(protocol, network, address):
if not network:
network = ''
if not address:
address = ''
return r_obj.hget(f'map:chatSerIns:{protocol}:{network}', address)
def get_chat_service_instance_uuid_meta_from_network_dict(instance_uuids):
for network in instance_uuids:
metas = []
for instance_uuid in instance_uuids[network]:
instance_uuids[network] = metas
return instance_uuids
2023-11-02 16:28:33 +01:00
def get_chat_service_instance(protocol, network, address):
instance_uuid = get_chat_service_instance_uuid(protocol, network, address)
if instance_uuid:
return ChatServiceInstance(instance_uuid)
def create_chat_service_instance(protocol, network=None, address=None):
instance_uuid = get_chat_service_instance_uuid(protocol, network, address)
if instance_uuid:
return instance_uuid
if not network:
network = ''
if not address:
address = ''
instance_uuid = str(uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_URL, f'{protocol}|{network}|{address}'))
r_obj.sadd(f'chatSerIns:all', instance_uuid)
# map instance - uuid
r_obj.hset(f'map:chatSerIns:{protocol}:{network}', address, instance_uuid)
r_obj.hset(f'chatSerIns:{instance_uuid}', 'protocol', protocol)
if network:
r_obj.hset(f'chatSerIns:{instance_uuid}', 'network', network)
if address:
r_obj.hset(f'chatSerIns:{instance_uuid}', 'address', address)
# protocols
r_obj.sadd(f'chat:protocols', protocol) # TODO first seen / last seen
# protocol -> network
r_obj.sadd(f'chat:protocol:networks:{protocol}', network)
return instance_uuid
# protocol -> instance_uuids => for protocol->networks -> protocol+network => HGETALL
# protocol+network -> instance_uuids => HGETALL
# protocol -> networks ???default??? or ''
# --------------------------------------------------------
# protocol+network -> addresses => HKEYS
# protocol+network+addresse => HGET
# Chat -> subtype=uuid, id = chat id
# instance_uuid -> chat id
# protocol - uniq ID
# protocol + network -> uuid ????
# protocol + network + address -> uuid
def get_obj_chat(chat_type, chat_subtype, chat_id):
if chat_type == 'chat':
return Chats.Chat(chat_id, chat_subtype)
elif chat_type == 'chat-subchannel':
return ChatSubChannels.ChatSubChannel(chat_id, chat_subtype)
elif chat_type == 'chat-thread':
return ChatThreads.ChatThread(chat_id, chat_subtype)
def get_obj_chat_from_global_id(chat_gid):
chat_type, chat_subtype, chat_id = chat_gid.split(':', 2)
return get_obj_chat(chat_type, chat_subtype, chat_id)
def get_obj_chat_meta(obj_chat, new_options=set()):
options = {}
if obj_chat.type == 'chat':
options = {'created_at', 'icon', 'info', 'subchannels', 'threads', 'username'}
elif obj_chat.type == 'chat-subchannel':
options = {'chat', 'created_at', 'icon', 'nb_messages', 'threads'}
elif obj_chat.type == 'chat-thread':
options = {'chat', 'nb_messages'}
for option in new_options:
return obj_chat.get_meta(options=options)
def get_subchannels_meta_from_global_id(subchannels, translation_target=None):
2023-11-02 16:28:33 +01:00
meta = []
for sub in subchannels:
_, instance_uuid, sub_id = sub.split(':', 2)
subchannel = ChatSubChannels.ChatSubChannel(sub_id, instance_uuid)
meta.append(subchannel.get_meta({'nb_messages', 'created_at', 'icon', 'translation'}, translation_target=translation_target))
2023-11-02 16:28:33 +01:00
return meta
2023-11-06 14:08:23 +01:00
def get_chat_meta_from_global_id(chat_global_id):
_, instance_uuid, chat_id = chat_global_id.split(':', 2)
chat = Chats.Chat(chat_id, instance_uuid)
return chat.get_meta()
def get_threads_metas(threads):
metas = []
for thread in threads:
metas.append(ChatThreads.ChatThread(thread['id'], thread['subtype']).get_meta(options={'name', 'nb_messages'}))
return metas
2023-11-08 11:25:30 +01:00
def get_username_meta_from_global_id(username_global_id):
_, instance_uuid, username_id = username_global_id.split(':', 2)
username = Usernames.Username(username_id, instance_uuid)
return username.get_meta(options={'icon'})
2023-11-08 11:25:30 +01:00
# TODO Pagination
def list_messages_to_dict(l_messages_id, translation_target=None):
options = {'content', 'files-names', 'images', 'language', 'link', 'parent', 'parent_meta', 'reactions', 'thread', 'translation', 'user-account'}
meta = {}
curr_date = None
for mess_id in l_messages_id:
message = Messages.Message(mess_id[1:])
timestamp = message.get_timestamp()
date_day = message.get_date()
date_day = f'{date_day[0:4]}/{date_day[4:6]}/{date_day[6:8]}'
if date_day != curr_date:
meta[date_day] = []
curr_date = date_day
meta_mess = message.get_meta(options=options, timestamp=timestamp, translation_target=translation_target)
# if mess_dict.get('tags'):
# for tag in mess_dict['tags']:
# if tag not in tags:
# tags[tag] = 0
# tags[tag] += 1
# return messages, pagination, tags
return meta
# TODO Filter
## Instance type
## Chats IDS
## SubChats IDS
## Threads IDS
## Daterange
def get_messages_iterator(filters={}):
for instance_uuid in get_chat_service_instances():
for chat_id in ChatServiceInstance(instance_uuid).get_chats():
chat = Chats.Chat(chat_id, instance_uuid)
# subchannels
for subchannel_gid in chat.get_subchannels():
_, _, subchannel_id = subchannel_gid.split(':', 2)
subchannel = ChatSubChannels.ChatSubChannel(subchannel_id, instance_uuid)
messages, _ = subchannel._get_messages(nb=-1)
for mess in messages:
_, _, message_id = mess[0].split(':', )
yield Messages.Message(message_id)
# threads
# threads
for threads in chat.get_threads():
thread = ChatThreads.ChatThread(threads['id'], instance_uuid)
messages, _ = thread._get_messages(nb=-1)
for mess in messages:
message_id, _, message_id = mess[0].split(':', )
yield Messages.Message(message_id)
# messages
messages, _ = chat._get_messages(nb=-1)
for mess in messages:
_, _, message_id = mess[0].split(':', )
yield Messages.Message(message_id)
# threads ???
def get_nb_messages_iterator(filters={}):
nb_messages = 0
for instance_uuid in get_chat_service_instances():
for chat_id in ChatServiceInstance(instance_uuid).get_chats():
chat = Chats.Chat(chat_id, instance_uuid)
# subchannels
for subchannel_gid in chat.get_subchannels():
_, _, subchannel_id = subchannel_gid.split(':', 2)
subchannel = ChatSubChannels.ChatSubChannel(subchannel_id, instance_uuid)
nb_messages += subchannel.get_nb_messages()
# threads
for threads in chat.get_threads():
thread = ChatThreads.ChatThread(threads['id'], instance_uuid)
nb_messages += thread.get_nb_messages()
# messages
nb_messages += chat.get_nb_messages()
return nb_messages
def get_chat_object_messages_meta(c_messages):
temp_chats = {}
for date in c_messages:
for meta in c_messages[date]:
if 'forwarded_from' in meta:
if meta['forwarded_from'] not in temp_chats:
chat = get_obj_chat_from_global_id(meta['forwarded_from'])
temp_chats[meta['forwarded_from']] = chat.get_meta({'icon'})
meta['forwarded_from'] = temp_chats[meta['forwarded_from']]
if meta['barcodes']:
barcodes = []
for q in meta['barcodes']:
obj = Barcode(q)
barcodes.append({'id':, 'content': obj.get_content(), 'tags': obj.get_tags()})
meta['qrcodes'] = barcodes
if meta['qrcodes']:
qrcodes = []
for q in meta['qrcodes']:
qr = Qrcode(q)
qrcodes.append({'id':, 'content': qr.get_content(), 'tags': qr.get_tags()})
meta['qrcodes'] = qrcodes
return c_messages
def get_user_account_chats_meta(user_id, chats, subchannels):
meta = []
for chat_g_id in chats:
c_subtype, c_id = chat_g_id.split(':', 1)
chat = Chats.Chat(c_id, c_subtype)
chat_meta = chat.get_meta(options={'icon', 'info', 'nb_participants', 'tags_safe', 'username'})
if chat_meta['username']:
chat_meta['username'] = get_username_meta_from_global_id(chat_meta['username'])
chat_meta['nb_messages'] = len(chat.get_user_messages(user_id))
chat_meta['subchannels'] = []
for subchannel_gid in chat.get_subchannels():
if subchannel_gid[16:] in subchannels:
_, s_subtype, s_id = subchannel_gid.split(':', 2)
subchannel = ChatSubChannels.ChatSubChannel(s_id, s_subtype)
subchannel_meta = subchannel.get_meta(options={'created_at'})
subchannel_meta['nb_messages'] = len(subchannel.get_user_messages(user_id))
return meta
def get_user_account_chat_message(user_id, subtype, chat_id): # TODO subchannel + threads ...
meta = {}
chat = Chats.Chat(chat_id, subtype)
chat_meta = chat.get_meta(options={'icon', 'info', 'nb_participants', 'tags_safe', 'username'})
if chat_meta['username']:
chat_meta['username'] = get_username_meta_from_global_id(chat_meta['username'])
meta['messages'] = list_messages_to_dict(chat.get_user_messages(user_id), translation_target=None)
return meta
def get_user_account_nb_all_week_messages(user_id, chats, subchannels):
week = {}
# Init
for day in ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun']:
week[day] = {}
for i in range(24):
week[day][i] = 0
# chats
for chat_g_id in chats:
c_subtype, c_id = chat_g_id.split(':', 1)
chat = Chats.Chat(c_id, c_subtype)
for message in chat.get_user_messages(user_id):
timestamp = message.split('/', 2)[1]
timestamp = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(timestamp))
date_name = timestamp.strftime('%a')
week[date_name][timestamp.hour] += 1
stats = []
nb_day = 0
for day in week:
for hour in week[day]:
stats.append({'date': day, 'day': nb_day, 'hour': hour, 'count': week[day][hour]})
nb_day += 1
return stats
def get_user_account_nb_year_messages(user_id, chats, year):
nb_year = {}
nb_max = 0
start = int(datetime(year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp())
end = int(datetime(year, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp())
for chat_g_id in chats:
c_subtype, c_id = chat_g_id.split(':', 1)
chat = Chats.Chat(c_id, c_subtype)
for message in chat.get_user_messages(user_id):
timestamp = int(message.split('/', 2)[1])
if start <= timestamp <= end:
timestamp = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp)
date = timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
if date not in nb_year:
nb_year[date] = 0
nb_year[date] += 1
nb_max = max(nb_max, nb_year[date])
return nb_max, nb_year
def get_user_account_usernames_timeline(subtype, user_id):
user_account = UsersAccount.UserAccount(user_id, subtype)
usernames = user_account.get_usernames_history()
r_usernames = []
if usernames:
for row in usernames:
if not row['obj']:
row['obj'] = row['obj'].rsplit(':', 1)[1]
if row['start'] > row['end']:
t = row['start']
row['start'] = row['end']
row['end'] = t
if row['start'] == row['end']:
row['end'] = row['end'] + 1
row['start'] = row['start'] * 1000
row['end'] = row['end'] * 1000
return r_usernames
def get_user_account_chats_chord(subtype, user_id):
nb = {}
user_account = UsersAccount.UserAccount(user_id, subtype)
for chat_g_id in user_account.get_chats():
c_subtype, c_id = chat_g_id.split(':', 1)
chat = Chats.Chat(c_id, c_subtype)
nb[f'chat:{chat_g_id}'] = len(chat.get_user_messages(user_id))
user_account_gid = user_account.get_global_id() # # #
chord = {'meta': {}, 'data': []}
label = get_chat_user_account_label(user_account_gid)
if label:
chord['meta'][user_account_gid] = label
chord['meta'][user_account_gid] = user_account_gid
for chat_g_id in nb:
label = get_chat_user_account_label(chat_g_id)
if label:
chord['meta'][chat_g_id] = label
chord['meta'][chat_g_id] = chat_g_id
chord['data'].append({'source': user_account_gid, 'target': chat_g_id, 'value': nb[chat_g_id]})
return chord
def get_user_account_mentions_chord(subtype, user_id):
chord = {'meta': {}, 'data': []}
nb = {}
user_account = UsersAccount.UserAccount(user_id, subtype)
user_account_gid = user_account.get_global_id()
label = get_chat_user_account_label(user_account_gid)
if label:
chord['meta'][user_account_gid] = label
chord['meta'][user_account_gid] = user_account_gid
for mess in user_account.get_messages():
m = Messages.Message(mess[9:])
for rel in m.get_obj_relationships(relationships={'mention'}, filter_types={'chat', 'user_account'}):
if rel:
if not rel['target'] in nb:
nb[rel['target']] = 0
nb[rel['target']] += 1
for g_id in nb:
label = get_chat_user_account_label(g_id)
if label:
chord['meta'][g_id] = label
chord['meta'][g_id] = g_id
chord['data'].append({'source': user_account_gid, 'target': g_id, 'value': nb[g_id]})
return chord
def _get_chat_card_meta_options():
return {'created_at', 'icon', 'info', 'nb_participants', 'origin_link', 'subchannels', 'tags_safe', 'threads', 'translation', 'username'}
def _get_message_bloc_meta_options():
return {'chat', 'content', 'files-names', 'icon', 'images', 'language', 'link', 'parent', 'parent_meta', 'reactions','thread', 'translation', 'user-account'}
def get_message_report(l_mess): # TODO Force language + translation
translation_target = 'en'
chats = {}
messages = []
mess_options = _get_message_bloc_meta_options()
l_mess = sorted(l_mess, key=lambda x: x[2])
for m in l_mess:
message = Messages.Message(m[2])
meta = message.get_meta(options=mess_options, translation_target=translation_target)
if meta['chat'] not in chats:
chat = Chats.Chat(meta['chat'], message.get_chat_instance())
meta_chat = chat.get_meta(options=_get_chat_card_meta_options(), translation_target=translation_target)
if meta_chat['username']:
meta_chat['username'] = get_username_meta_from_global_id(meta_chat['username'])
chats[] = meta_chat
# stats
chats[]['t_messages'] = 1
chats[meta['chat']]['t_messages'] += 1
return chats, messages
# # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# #
# ChatMonitoringRequest #
# #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # #
def get_chats_monitoring_requests():
return r_obj.smembers(f'chats:requests')
def get_chats_monitoring_requests_metas():
requests = []
for r in get_chats_monitoring_requests():
cr = ChatsMonitoringRequest(r)
return requests
class ChatsMonitoringRequest:
def __init__(self, r_uuid):
self.uuid = r_uuid
def _get_field(self, name):
return r_obj.hget(f'chats:request:{self.uuid}', name)
def _set_field(self, name, value):
r_obj.hset(f'chats:request:{self.uuid}', name, value)
def exists(self):
def get_meta(self):
return {'uuid': self.uuid,
'date': self._get_field('date'),
'creator': self._get_field('creator'),
'chat_type': self._get_field('chat_type'),
'invite': self._get_field('invite'),
'username': self._get_field('username'),
'description': self._get_field('description'),
def create(self, creator, chat_type, invite, username, description):
self._set_field('chat_type', chat_type)
self._set_field('creator', creator)
self._set_field('date','%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
if invite:
self._set_field('invite', invite)
if username:
self._set_field('username', username)
if description:
self._set_field('description', description)
r_obj.sadd(f'chats:requests', self.uuid)
def create_chat_monitoring_requests(creator, chat_type, invite, username, description):
r_uuid = generate_uuid()
chat_request = ChatsMonitoringRequest(r_uuid)
chat_request.create(creator, chat_type, invite, username, description)
return r_uuid
#### FIX ####
def fix_correlations_subchannel_message():
for instance_uuid in get_chat_service_instances():
for chat_id in ChatServiceInstance(instance_uuid).get_chats():
chat = Chats.Chat(chat_id, instance_uuid)
# subchannels
for subchannel_gid in chat.get_subchannels():
_, _, subchannel_id = subchannel_gid.split(':', 2)
subchannel = ChatSubChannels.ChatSubChannel(subchannel_id, instance_uuid)
messages, _ = subchannel._get_messages(nb=-1)
for mess in messages:
_, _, message_id = mess[0].split(':', )
subchannel.add_correlation('message', '', message_id)
def fix_chats_with_messages():
for instance_uuid in get_chat_service_instances():
for chat_id in ChatServiceInstance(instance_uuid).get_chats():
chat = Chats.Chat(chat_id, instance_uuid)
messages = chat.get_nb_messages()
if messages > 0:
for subchannel_gid in chat.get_subchannels():
_, _, subchannel_id = subchannel_gid.split(':', 2)
subchannel = ChatSubChannels.ChatSubChannel(subchannel_id, instance_uuid)
if subchannel.get_nb_messages() > 0:
#### API ####
def get_chat_user_account_label(chat_gid):
label = None
obj_type, subtype, obj_id = chat_gid.split(':', 2)
if obj_type == 'chat':
obj = get_obj_chat(obj_type, subtype, obj_id)
username = obj.get_username()
if username:
username = username.split(':', 2)[2]
name = obj.get_name()
if username and name:
label = f'{username} - {name}'
elif username:
label = username
elif name:
label = name
elif obj_type == 'user-account':
obj = UsersAccount.UserAccount(obj_id, subtype)
username = obj.get_username()
if username:
username = username.split(':', 2)[2]
name = obj.get_name()
if username and name:
label = f'{username} - {name}'
elif username:
label = username
elif name:
label = name
return label
def enrich_chat_relationships_labels(relationships):
meta = {}
for row in relationships:
if row['source'] not in meta:
label = get_chat_user_account_label(row['source'])
if label:
meta[row['source']] = label
meta[row['source']] = row['source']
if row['target'] not in meta:
label = get_chat_user_account_label(row['target'])
if label:
meta[row['target']] = label
meta[row['target']] = row['target']
return meta
2025-01-10 10:33:28 +01:00
2023-11-02 16:28:33 +01:00
def api_get_chat_service_instance(chat_instance_uuid):
chat_instance = ChatServiceInstance(chat_instance_uuid)
if not chat_instance.exists():
return {"status": "error", "reason": "Unknown uuid"}, 404
# return chat_instance.get_meta({'chats'}), 200
return chat_instance.get_meta({'chats_with_messages'}), 200
2023-11-02 16:28:33 +01:00
def api_get_chats_selector():
selector = []
for instance_uuid in get_chat_service_instances():
for chat_id in ChatServiceInstance(instance_uuid).get_chats():
chat = Chats.Chat(chat_id, instance_uuid)
selector.append({'id': chat.get_global_id(), 'name': f'{chat.get_chat_instance()}: {chat.get_label()}'})
return selector
def api_get_chat(chat_id, chat_instance_uuid, translation_target=None, nb=-1, page=-1, messages=True, message=None, heatmap=False):
2023-11-02 16:28:33 +01:00
chat = Chats.Chat(chat_id, chat_instance_uuid)
if not chat.exists():
return {"status": "error", "reason": "Unknown chat"}, 404
# print(chat.get_obj_language_stats())
meta = chat.get_meta({'created_at', 'icon', 'info', 'nb_participants', 'subchannels', 'tags_safe', 'threads', 'translation', 'username'}, translation_target=translation_target)
2023-11-08 11:25:30 +01:00
if meta['username']:
meta['username'] = get_username_meta_from_global_id(meta['username'])
2023-11-02 16:28:33 +01:00
if meta['subchannels']:
meta['subchannels'] = get_subchannels_meta_from_global_id(meta['subchannels'], translation_target=translation_target)
2023-11-06 14:08:23 +01:00
if translation_target not in Language.get_translation_languages():
2024-01-16 12:04:39 +01:00
translation_target = None
if messages:
meta['messages'], meta['pagination'], meta['tags_messages'] = chat.get_messages(translation_target=translation_target, message=message, nb=nb, page=page)
meta['messages'] = get_chat_object_messages_meta(meta['messages'])
if heatmap:
meta['years'] = chat.get_message_years()
2023-11-02 16:28:33 +01:00
return meta, 200
def api_get_nb_message_by_week(chat_type, chat_instance_uuid, chat_id):
chat = get_obj_chat(chat_type, chat_instance_uuid, chat_id)
if not chat.exists():
return {"status": "error", "reason": "Unknown chat"}, 404
week = chat.get_nb_message_this_week()
# week = chat.get_nb_message_by_week('20231109')
return week, 200
def api_get_nb_week_messages(chat_type, chat_instance_uuid, chat_id):
chat = get_obj_chat(chat_type, chat_instance_uuid, chat_id)
if not chat.exists():
return {"status": "error", "reason": "Unknown chat"}, 404
week = chat.get_nb_week_messages()
return week, 200
def api_get_nb_year_messages(chat_type, chat_instance_uuid, chat_id, year):
chat = get_obj_chat(chat_type, chat_instance_uuid, chat_id)
if not chat.exists():
return {"status": "error", "reason": "Unknown chat"}, 404
year = int(year)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
year =
nb_max, nb = chat.get_nb_year_messages(year)
nb = [[date, value] for date, value in nb.items()]
return {'max': nb_max, 'nb': nb, 'year': year}, 200
def api_get_chat_participants(chat_type, chat_subtype, chat_id):
if chat_type not in ['chat', 'chat-subchannel', 'chat-thread']:
return {"status": "error", "reason": "Unknown chat type"}, 400
chat_obj = get_obj_chat(chat_type, chat_subtype, chat_id)
if not chat_obj.exists():
return {"status": "error", "reason": "Unknown chat"}, 404
meta = get_obj_chat_meta(chat_obj, new_options={'participants'})
chat_participants = []
for participant in meta['participants']:
user_account = UsersAccount.UserAccount(participant['id'], participant['subtype'])
chat_participants.append(user_account.get_meta({'icon', 'info', 'username'}))
meta['participants'] = chat_participants
return meta, 200
def api_get_subchannel(chat_id, chat_instance_uuid, translation_target=None, message=None, nb=-1, page=-1):
2023-11-02 16:28:33 +01:00
subchannel = ChatSubChannels.ChatSubChannel(chat_id, chat_instance_uuid)
if not subchannel.exists():
2023-11-29 16:28:25 +01:00
return {"status": "error", "reason": "Unknown subchannel"}, 404
# print(subchannel.get_obj_language_stats())
meta = subchannel.get_meta({'chat', 'created_at', 'icon', 'nb_messages', 'nb_participants', 'threads', 'translation'}, translation_target=translation_target)
2023-11-06 14:08:23 +01:00
if meta['chat']:
meta['chat'] = get_chat_meta_from_global_id(meta['chat'])
if meta.get('threads'):
meta['threads'] = get_threads_metas(meta['threads'])
2023-11-08 13:07:00 +01:00
if meta.get('username'):
meta['username'] = get_username_meta_from_global_id(meta['username'])
meta['messages'], meta['pagination'], meta['tags_messages'] = subchannel.get_messages(translation_target=translation_target, message=message, nb=nb, page=page)
meta['messages'] = get_chat_object_messages_meta(meta['messages'])
2023-11-02 16:28:33 +01:00
return meta, 200
def api_get_thread(thread_id, thread_instance_uuid, translation_target=None, message=None, nb=-1, page=-1):
2023-11-29 16:28:25 +01:00
thread = ChatThreads.ChatThread(thread_id, thread_instance_uuid)
if not thread.exists():
return {"status": "error", "reason": "Unknown thread"}, 404
# print(thread.get_obj_language_stats())
meta = thread.get_meta({'chat', 'nb_messages', 'nb_participants'})
2023-11-29 16:28:25 +01:00
# if meta['chat']:
# meta['chat'] = get_chat_meta_from_global_id(meta['chat'])
meta['messages'], meta['pagination'], meta['tags_messages'] = thread.get_messages(translation_target=translation_target, message=message, nb=nb, page=page)
meta['messages'] = get_chat_object_messages_meta(meta['messages'])
2023-11-29 16:28:25 +01:00
return meta, 200
def api_get_message(message_id, translation_target=None):
message = Messages.Message(message_id)
if not message.exists():
return {"status": "error", "reason": "Unknown uuid"}, 404
meta = message.get_meta({'barcodes', 'chat', 'container', 'content', 'files-names', 'forwarded_from', 'icon', 'images', 'language', 'link', 'parent', 'parent_meta', 'qrcodes', 'reactions', 'thread', 'translation', 'user-account'}, translation_target=translation_target)
if 'forwarded_from' in meta:
chat = get_obj_chat_from_global_id(meta['forwarded_from'])
meta['forwarded_from'] = chat.get_meta({'icon'})
barcodes = []
for q in meta['barcodes']:
obj = Barcode(q)
barcodes.append({'id':, 'content': obj.get_content(), 'tags': obj.get_tags()})
meta['barcodes'] = barcodes
qrcodes = []
for q in meta['qrcodes']:
qr = Qrcode(q)
qrcodes.append({'id':, 'content': qr.get_content(), 'tags': qr.get_tags()})
meta['qrcodes'] = qrcodes
2023-11-08 15:46:05 +01:00
return meta, 200
def api_message_detect_language(message_id):
message = Messages.Message(message_id)
if not message.exists():
return {"status": "error", "reason": "Unknown uuid"}, 404
lang = message.detect_language()
return {"language": lang}, 200
def api_manually_translate_message(message_id, source, translation_target, translation):
message = Messages.Message(message_id)
if not message.exists():
return {"status": "error", "reason": "Unknown uuid"}, 404
if translation:
if len(translation) > 200000: # TODO REVIEW LIMIT
return {"status": "error", "reason": "Max Size reached"}, 400
all_languages = Language.get_translation_languages()
if source not in all_languages:
return {"status": "error", "reason": "Unknown source Language"}, 400
message_language = message.get_language()
if message_language != source:
message.edit_language(message_language, source)
if translation:
if translation_target not in all_languages:
return {"status": "error", "reason": "Unknown target Language"}, 400
message.set_translation(translation_target, translation)
# TODO SANITYZE translation
return None, 200
def api_get_user_account(user_id, instance_uuid, translation_target=None):
user_account = UsersAccount.UserAccount(user_id, instance_uuid)
if not user_account.exists():
return {"status": "error", "reason": "Unknown user-account"}, 404
meta = user_account.get_meta({'chats', 'icon', 'info', 'subchannels', 'threads', 'translation', 'username', 'usernames', 'username_meta', 'years'}, translation_target=translation_target)
if meta['chats']:
meta['chats'] = get_user_account_chats_meta(user_id, meta['chats'], meta['subchannels'])
return meta, 200
def api_get_user_account_chat_messages(user_id, instance_uuid, chat_id, translation_target=None):
user_account = UsersAccount.UserAccount(user_id, instance_uuid)
if not user_account.exists():
return {"status": "error", "reason": "Unknown user-account"}, 404
meta = get_user_account_chat_message(user_id, instance_uuid, chat_id)
meta['user-account'] = user_account.get_meta({'icon', 'info', 'translation', 'username', 'username_meta'}, translation_target=translation_target)
resp = api_get_chat(chat_id, instance_uuid, translation_target=translation_target, messages=False)
if resp[1] != 200:
return resp
meta['chat'] = resp[0]
return meta, 200
def api_get_user_account_nb_all_week_messages(user_id, instance_uuid):
user_account = UsersAccount.UserAccount(user_id, instance_uuid)
if not user_account.exists():
return {"status": "error", "reason": "Unknown user-account"}, 404
week = get_user_account_nb_all_week_messages(, user_account.get_chats(), user_account.get_chat_subchannels())
return week, 200
def api_get_user_account_nb_year_messages(user_id, instance_uuid, year):
user_account = UsersAccount.UserAccount(user_id, instance_uuid)
if not user_account.exists():
return {"status": "error", "reason": "Unknown user-account"}, 404
year = int(year)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
year =
nb_max, nb = get_user_account_nb_year_messages(, user_account.get_chats(), year)
nb = [[date, value] for date, value in nb.items()]
return {'max': nb_max, 'nb': nb, 'year': year}, 200
def api_chat_messages(subtype, chat_id):
chat = Chats.Chat(chat_id, subtype)
if not chat.exists():
return {"status": "error", "reason": "Unknown chat"}, 404
meta = chat.get_meta({'created_at', 'info', 'nb_participants', 'subchannels', 'threads', 'username'}) # 'icon' 'translation'
if meta['username']:
meta['username'] = get_username_meta_from_global_id(meta['username'])
if meta['subchannels']:
meta['subchannels'] = get_subchannels_meta_from_global_id(meta['subchannels'])
options = {'content', 'files-names', 'images', 'link', 'parent', 'parent_meta', 'reactions', 'thread', 'user-account'}
meta['messages'], _, _ = chat.get_messages(nb=-1, options=options)
return meta, 200
def api_subchannel_messages(subtype, subchannel_id):
subchannel = ChatSubChannels.ChatSubChannel(subchannel_id, subtype)
if not subchannel.exists():
return {"status": "error", "reason": "Unknown subchannel"}, 404
meta = subchannel.get_meta(
{'chat', 'created_at', 'nb_messages', 'nb_participants', 'threads'})
if meta['chat']:
meta['chat'] = get_chat_meta_from_global_id(meta['chat'])
if meta.get('threads'):
meta['threads'] = get_threads_metas(meta['threads'])
if meta.get('username'):
meta['username'] = get_username_meta_from_global_id(meta['username'])
options = {'content', 'files-names', 'images', 'link', 'parent', 'parent_meta', 'reactions', 'thread', 'user-account'}
meta['messages'], _, _ = subchannel.get_messages(nb=-1, options=options)
return meta, 200
def api_thread_messages(subtype, thread_id):
thread = ChatThreads.ChatThread(thread_id, subtype)
if not thread.exists():
return {"status": "error", "reason": "Unknown thread"}, 404
meta = thread.get_meta({'chat', 'nb_messages', 'nb_participants'})
options = {'content', 'files-names', 'images', 'link', 'parent', 'parent_meta', 'reactions', 'thread', 'user-account'}
meta['messages'], _, _ = thread.get_messages(nb=-1, options=options)
return meta, 200
2023-11-02 16:28:33 +01:00
# # # # # # # # # # LATER
# #
# ChatCategory #
# #
# # # # # # # # # #
if __name__ == '__main__':
r = get_chat_service_instances()
r = ChatServiceInstance(r.pop())
# r = get_chat_protocols()
# print(r)