2016-12-09 08:46:37 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*-coding:UTF-8 -*
Flask functions and routes for the trending modules page
import redis
import json
import os
2017-03-15 11:51:35 +01:00
import datetime
2016-12-09 08:46:37 +01:00
import flask
2017-04-19 11:02:03 +02:00
from flask import Flask, render_template, jsonify, request, Blueprint
2016-12-09 08:46:37 +01:00
import Paste
2017-03-15 10:07:46 +01:00
from whoosh import index
from whoosh.fields import Schema, TEXT, ID
from whoosh.qparser import QueryParser
2016-12-09 08:46:37 +01:00
# ============ VARIABLES ============
import Flask_config
app = Flask_config.app
cfg = Flask_config.cfg
r_serv_pasteName = Flask_config.r_serv_pasteName
max_preview_char = Flask_config.max_preview_char
max_preview_modal = Flask_config.max_preview_modal
2017-03-15 09:39:48 +01:00
baseindexpath = os.path.join(os.environ['AIL_HOME'], cfg.get("Indexer", "path"))
indexRegister_path = os.path.join(os.environ['AIL_HOME'],
cfg.get("Indexer", "register"))
2017-04-19 11:02:03 +02:00
searches = Blueprint('searches', __name__, template_folder='templates')
2016-12-09 08:46:37 +01:00
# ============ FUNCTIONS ============
2017-03-15 09:39:48 +01:00
def get_current_index():
with open(indexRegister_path, "r") as f:
allIndex = f.read()
2017-03-15 14:29:49 +01:00
allIndex = allIndex.split() # format [time1\ntime2]
2017-03-15 09:39:48 +01:00
2017-03-15 11:51:35 +01:00
indexname = allIndex[-1].strip('\n\r')
except IndexError as e:
indexname = "no-index"
indexpath = os.path.join(baseindexpath, indexname)
2017-03-15 09:39:48 +01:00
return indexpath
def get_index_list(selected_index=""):
2017-03-15 14:05:13 +01:00
temp = []
2017-03-15 09:39:48 +01:00
index_list = []
for dirs in os.listdir(baseindexpath):
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(baseindexpath, dirs)):
2017-03-15 10:07:46 +01:00
value = dirs
2017-03-15 11:51:35 +01:00
name = to_iso_date(dirs) + " - " + \
2017-03-15 10:07:46 +01:00
str(get_dir_size(dirs) / (1000*1000)) + " Mb " + \
"(" + str(get_item_count(dirs)) + " Items" + ")"
flag = dirs==selected_index.split('/')[-1]
2017-03-15 14:05:13 +01:00
if dirs == "old_index":
temp = [value, name, flag]
index_list.append([value, name, flag])
2017-03-15 11:51:35 +01:00
2017-03-15 14:05:13 +01:00
index_list.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: x[0])
if len(temp) != 0:
2017-03-15 09:39:48 +01:00
return index_list
def get_dir_size(directory):
cur_sum = 0
for directory, subdirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(baseindexpath,directory)):
2017-03-15 11:51:35 +01:00
cur_sum += sum(os.path.getsize(os.path.join(directory, name)) for name in files)
except OSError as e: #File disappeared
2017-03-15 09:39:48 +01:00
return cur_sum
2016-12-09 08:46:37 +01:00
2017-03-15 10:07:46 +01:00
def get_item_count(dirs):
ix = index.open_dir(os.path.join(baseindexpath, dirs))
return ix.doc_count_all()
2017-03-15 11:51:35 +01:00
def to_iso_date(timestamp):
if timestamp == "old_index":
return "old_index"
return str(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(timestamp))).split()[0]
2016-12-09 08:46:37 +01:00
# ============ ROUTES ============
2017-04-19 11:02:03 +02:00
@searches.route("/search", methods=['POST'])
2016-12-09 08:46:37 +01:00
def search():
query = request.form['query']
q = []
r = [] #complete path
c = [] #preview of the paste content
paste_date = []
paste_size = []
2017-03-15 10:07:46 +01:00
index_name = request.form['index_name']
2016-12-09 08:46:37 +01:00
num_elem_to_get = 50
2017-03-15 09:39:48 +01:00
# select correct index
2017-03-15 10:07:46 +01:00
if index_name is None or index_name == "0":
2017-03-15 09:39:48 +01:00
selected_index = get_current_index()
2017-03-15 10:07:46 +01:00
selected_index = os.path.join(baseindexpath, index_name)
2017-03-15 09:39:48 +01:00
2016-12-09 08:46:37 +01:00
# Search filename
for path in r_serv_pasteName.smembers(q[0]):
paste = Paste.Paste(path)
content = paste.get_p_content().decode('utf8', 'ignore')
content_range = max_preview_char if len(content)>max_preview_char else len(content)-1
curr_date = str(paste._get_p_date())
curr_date = curr_date[0:4]+'/'+curr_date[4:6]+'/'+curr_date[6:]
# Search full line
schema = Schema(title=TEXT(stored=True), path=ID(stored=True), content=TEXT)
2017-03-15 09:39:48 +01:00
ix = index.open_dir(selected_index)
2016-12-09 08:46:37 +01:00
with ix.searcher() as searcher:
query = QueryParser("content", ix.schema).parse(" ".join(q))
results = searcher.search_page(query, 1, pagelen=num_elem_to_get)
for x in results:
paste = Paste.Paste(x.items()[0][1])
content = paste.get_p_content().decode('utf8', 'ignore')
content_range = max_preview_char if len(content)>max_preview_char else len(content)-1
curr_date = str(paste._get_p_date())
curr_date = curr_date[0:4]+'/'+curr_date[4:6]+'/'+curr_date[6:]
results = searcher.search(query)
num_res = len(results)
2017-03-15 09:39:48 +01:00
index_min = 1
index_max = len(get_index_list())
return render_template("search.html", r=r, c=c,
query=request.form['query'], paste_date=paste_date,
paste_size=paste_size, char_to_display=max_preview_modal,
num_res=num_res, index_min=index_min, index_max=index_max,
2016-12-09 08:46:37 +01:00
2017-04-19 11:02:03 +02:00
@searches.route("/get_more_search_result", methods=['POST'])
2016-12-09 08:46:37 +01:00
def get_more_search_result():
query = request.form['query']
q = []
page_offset = int(request.form['page_offset'])
2017-03-15 10:07:46 +01:00
index_name = request.form['index_name']
2016-12-09 08:46:37 +01:00
num_elem_to_get = 50
2017-03-15 09:39:48 +01:00
# select correct index
2017-03-15 10:07:46 +01:00
if index_name is None or index_name == "0":
2017-03-15 09:39:48 +01:00
selected_index = get_current_index()
2017-03-15 10:07:46 +01:00
selected_index = os.path.join(baseindexpath, index_name)
2017-03-15 09:39:48 +01:00
2016-12-09 08:46:37 +01:00
path_array = []
preview_array = []
date_array = []
size_array = []
schema = Schema(title=TEXT(stored=True), path=ID(stored=True), content=TEXT)
2017-03-15 09:39:48 +01:00
ix = index.open_dir(selected_index)
2016-12-09 08:46:37 +01:00
with ix.searcher() as searcher:
query = QueryParser("content", ix.schema).parse(" ".join(q))
results = searcher.search_page(query, page_offset, num_elem_to_get)
for x in results:
paste = Paste.Paste(x.items()[0][1])
content = paste.get_p_content().decode('utf8', 'ignore')
content_range = max_preview_char if len(content)>max_preview_char else len(content)-1
curr_date = str(paste._get_p_date())
curr_date = curr_date[0:4]+'/'+curr_date[4:6]+'/'+curr_date[6:]
to_return = {}
to_return["path_array"] = path_array
to_return["preview_array"] = preview_array
to_return["date_array"] = date_array
to_return["size_array"] = size_array
if len(path_array) < num_elem_to_get: #pagelength
to_return["moreData"] = False
to_return["moreData"] = True
return jsonify(to_return)
2017-04-19 11:02:03 +02:00
# ========= REGISTRATION =========