2024-08-27 15:48:11 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*-coding:UTF-8 -*
import os
import sys
from datetime import datetime
# Import Project packages
from lib import ail_logger
from lib.ail_core import is_valid_uuid_v4, generate_uuid
from lib.ConfigLoader import ConfigLoader
access_logger = ail_logger.get_access_config()
# Config
config_loader = ConfigLoader()
r_serv_db = config_loader.get_db_conn("Kvrocks_DB")
r_data = config_loader.get_db_conn("Kvrocks_DB") # TODO MOVE DEFAULT DB
# r_cache = config_loader.get_redis_conn("Redis_Cache")
config_loader = None
2024-08-28 16:47:44 +02:00
# from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
# class AbstractObject(ABC):
# @abstractmethod
# def get_org(self):
# pass
# ## LEVEL ##
# @abstractmethod
# def get_level(self):
# pass
# @abstractmethod
# def set_level(self):
# pass
# @abstractmethod
# def reset_level(self):
# pass
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# TODO Check if ORG name is UNIQUE
def get_orgs():
return r_serv_db.smembers(f'ail:orgs')
def is_user_in_org(org_uuid, user_id):
return r_serv_db.sadd(f'ail:org:{org_uuid}:users', user_id)
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def get_orgs_selector():
orgs = []
for org_uuid in get_orgs():
org = Organisation(org_uuid)
name = org.get_name()
orgs.append({'uuid': org_uuid, 'name': name})
return orgs
def create_default_org():
# org = Organisation(generate_uuid())
name = 'Default AIL Organisation'
description = 'Default AIL Organisation'
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creator = 'admin@admin.test'
return create_org(creator, name, description)
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2024-08-27 15:48:11 +02:00
class Organisation:
def __init__(self, org_uuid):
self.uuid = org_uuid
def exists(self):
return r_serv_db.exists(f'ail:org:{self.uuid}')
def _get_field(self, field):
return r_serv_db.hget(f'ail:org:{self.uuid}', field)
def _set_fields(self, field, value):
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r_serv_db.hset(f'ail:org:{self.uuid}', field, value)
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def get_uuid(self):
return self.uuid
def get_date_created(self):
return self._get_field('date_created')
def get_date_modified(self):
return self._get_field('date_modified')
def get_description(self):
return self._get_field('description')
def get_name(self):
return self._get_field('name')
def get_nationality(self):
return self._get_field('nationality')
def get_creator(self):
return self._get_field('creator')
def get_org_type(self):
return self._get_field('type')
def get_sector(self):
return self._get_field('sector')
def get_tags(self): # TODO
def get_logo(self):
def get_users(self):
return r_serv_db.smembers(f'ail:org:{self.uuid}:users')
def get_nb_users(self):
return r_serv_db.scard(f'ail:org:{self.uuid}:users')
def get_meta(self, options=set()):
meta = {'uuid': self.uuid}
if 'name' in options:
meta['name'] = self._get_field('name')
if 'description' in options:
meta['description'] = self._get_field('description')
if 'creator' in options:
meta['creator'] = self._get_field('creator')
if 'date_created' in options:
meta['date_created'] = self._get_field('date_created')
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if 'users' in options:
meta['users'] = self.get_users()
if 'nb_users' in options:
if 'users' in meta:
meta['nb_users'] = len(meta['users'])
meta['nb_users'] = self.get_nb_users()
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return meta
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def is_user(self, user_id):
return r_serv_db.sismember(f'ail:org:{self.uuid}:users', user_id)
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def add_user(self, user_id):
r_serv_db.sadd(f'ail:org:{self.uuid}:users', user_id)
r_serv_db.hset(f'ail:user:metadata:{user_id}', 'org', self.uuid)
def remove_user(self, user_id):
r_serv_db.srem(f'ail:org:{self.uuid}:users', user_id)
r_serv_db.hdel(f'ail:user:metadata:{user_id}', 'org')
def remove_users(self):
for user_id in self.get_users():
def create(self, creator, name, description=None, nationality=None, sector=None, org_type=None, logo=None):
r_serv_db.sadd(f'ail:orgs', self.uuid)
self._set_fields('creator', creator)
self._set_fields('name', name)
self._set_fields('description', description)
if nationality:
self._set_fields('nationality', nationality)
if sector:
self._set_fields('sector', sector)
if org_type:
self._set_fields('type', org_type)
# if logo:
current = datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
self._set_fields('date_created', current)
self._set_fields('date_modified', current)
def edit(self):
def delete(self): # TODO CHANGE ACL ASSOCIATED WITH ORGS -> Tracker, Investigation, objects, ...
r_serv_db.srem(f'ail:orgs', self.uuid)
def exists_org(org_uuid):
return r_serv_db.exists(f'ail:org:{org_uuid}')
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def create_org(creator, name, description, uuid=None, nationality=None, sector=None, org_type=None, logo=None):
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if uuid is None:
uuid = generate_uuid()
if exists_org(uuid):
raise Exception('Organisation already exists') # TODO CUSTOM ERROR
org = Organisation(uuid)
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org.create(creator, name, description, nationality=nationality, sector=sector, org_type=org_type, logo=logo)
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return org
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def get_org_objs_by_type(org_uuid, obj_type):
return r_serv_db.smembers(f'org:{org_uuid}:{obj_type}')
def add_obj_to_org(org_uuid, obj_type, obj_gid): # ADD set UUID -> object types ???
r_serv_db.sadd(f'org:{org_uuid}:{obj_type}', obj_gid)
def remove_obj_to_org(org_uuid, obj_type, obj_gid):
r_serv_db.srem(f'org:{org_uuid}:{obj_type}', obj_gid)
def check_access_acl(obj, user_org, is_admin=False):
if is_admin:
return True
return obj.get_org() == user_org
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# view
# edit
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# delete -> org_admin or admin
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def check_obj_access_acl(obj, user_org, user_id, user_role, action):
if user_role == 'admin':
return True
level = obj.get_level()
# User
if level == 0:
return user_id == obj.get_user()
# Global
elif level == 1:
if action == 'view':
return True
# edit + delete
else: # TODO allow user to edit same org global
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if user_role == 'org_admin':
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creator_org = obj.get_creator_org()
if user_org == creator_org:
return True
return False
return False # TODO allow user (creator) to edit global tracker ????
# Organization
elif level == 2:
if action == 'view':
return obj.get_org() == user_org
elif action == 'edit':
return obj.get_org() == user_org
elif action == 'delete':
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if user_role == 'org_admin':
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if user_org == obj.get_org():
return True
return False
return False
return False
def check_acl_edit_level(obj, user_org, user_id, user_role, new_level):
if user_role == 'admin':
return True
level = obj.get_level()
if new_level == level:
return True
# User
if new_level == 0: # TODO
return False
# if obj.get_user() == user_id:
# return True
# Global
elif new_level == 1:
if level == 0 and obj.get_id() == user_id:
return True
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elif level == 2 and user_role == 'org_admin':
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if obj.get_creator_org() == user_org:
return True
# Organisation
elif new_level == 2:
if level == 0 and obj.get_id() == user_id:
return True
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elif level == 1 and user_role == 'org_admin':
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if obj.get_creator_org() == user_org:
return True
return False
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#### API ####
def api_get_orgs_meta():
meta = {'orgs': []}
options = {'date_created', 'description', 'name'}
for org_uuid in get_orgs():
org = Organisation(org_uuid)
return meta
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def api_get_org_meta(org_uuid):
if not is_valid_uuid_v4(org_uuid):
return {'status': 'error', 'reason': 'Invalid UUID'}, 400
if not exists_org(org_uuid):
return {'status': 'error', 'reason': 'Unknown org'}, 404
org = Organisation(org_uuid)
meta = org.get_meta(options={'date_created', 'description', 'name', 'users', 'nb_users'})
return meta, 200
2024-09-06 15:13:26 +02:00
def api_create_org(creator, org_uuid, name, ip_address, user_agent, description=None):
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if not is_valid_uuid_v4(org_uuid):
return {'status': 'error', 'reason': 'Invalid UUID'}, 400
if exists_org(org_uuid):
return {'status': 'error', 'reason': 'Org already exists'}, 400
org = Organisation(org_uuid)
org.create(creator, name, description=description)
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access_logger.info(f'Created org {org_uuid}', extra={'user_id': creator, 'ip_address': ip_address, 'user_agent': user_agent})
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return org.get_uuid(), 200
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def api_delete_org(org_uuid, admin_id, ip_address, user_agent): # TODO check if nothing is linked to this org
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if not exists_org(org_uuid):
return {'status': 'error', 'reason': 'Org not found'}, 404
2024-09-06 15:13:26 +02:00
access_logger.warning(f'Deleted org {org_uuid}', extra={'user_id': admin_id, 'ip_address': ip_address, 'user_agent': user_agent})
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org = Organisation(org_uuid)
return org_uuid, 200
# if __name__ == '__main__':
# user_id = 'admin@admin.test'
# instance_name = 'AIL TEST'
# delete_user_otp(user_id)
# # q = get_user_otp_qr_code(user_id, instance_name)
# # print(q)