mirror of
synced 2025-03-18 20:39:51 +00:00
164 lines
4.9 KiB
164 lines
4.9 KiB
![]() |
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*-coding:UTF-8 -*
import os
import sys
from hashlib import sha256
from pymisp import MISPObject
# Import Project packages
from lib.objects.abstract_daterange_object import AbstractDaterangeObject, AbstractDaterangeObjects
from lib.ConfigLoader import ConfigLoader
from packages import Date
# from lib.data_retention_engine import update_obj_date, get_obj_date_first
from flask import url_for
config_loader = ConfigLoader()
r_object = config_loader.get_db_conn("Kvrocks_Objects")
r_cache = config_loader.get_redis_conn("Redis_Cache")
baseurl = config_loader.get_config_str("Notifications", "ail_domain")
IMAGE_FOLDER = config_loader.get_files_directory('images')
config_loader = None
# SET x1,y1:x2,y2:x3,y3:x4,y4:extracted_text
class Qrcode(AbstractDaterangeObject):
AIL Message Object. (strings)
def __init__(self, id):
super(Qrcode, self).__init__('qrcode', id)
def get_content(self, r_type='str'):
Returns content
global_id = self.get_global_id()
content = r_cache.get(f'content:{global_id}')
if not content:
content = self._get_field('content')
# Set Cache
if content:
global_id = self.get_global_id()
r_cache.set(f'content:{global_id}', content)
r_cache.expire(f'content:{global_id}', 300)
if r_type == 'str':
return content
elif r_type == 'bytes':
if content:
return content.encode()
def get_date(self): # TODO
return Date.get_today_date_str()
def get_nb_seen(self):
return self.get_nb_correlation('image') + self.get_nb_correlation('screenshot')
def get_source(self): # TODO
Returns source/feeder name
return 'qrcode'
def get_basename(self): # TODO
return 'qrcode'
def get_link(self, flask_context=False):
if flask_context:
url = url_for('correlation.show_correlation', type=self.type, id=self.id)
url = f'{baseurl}/correlation/show?type={self.type}&id={self.id}'
return url
def get_svg_icon(self): # TODO
return {'style': 'fas', 'icon': '\uf029', 'color': 'yellow', 'radius': 5}
def get_misp_object(self): # TODO
# obj = MISPObject('instant-message', standalone=True)
# obj_date = self.get_date()
# if obj_date:
# obj.first_seen = obj_date
# else:
# self.logger.warning(
# f'Export error, None seen {self.type}:{self.subtype}:{self.id}, first={obj_date}')
# # obj_attrs = [obj.add_attribute('first-seen', value=obj_date),
# # obj.add_attribute('raw-data', value=self.id, data=self.get_raw_content()),
# # obj.add_attribute('sensor', value=get_ail_uuid())]
# obj_attrs = []
# for obj_attr in obj_attrs:
# for tag in self.get_tags():
# obj_attr.add_tag(tag)
# return obj
# options: set of optional meta fields
def get_meta(self, options=None):
:type options: set
if options is None:
options = set()
meta = self._get_meta(options=options)
meta['tags'] = self.get_tags()
meta['content'] = self.get_content()
# optional meta fields
if 'investigations' in options:
meta['investigations'] = self.get_investigations()
if 'link' in options:
meta['link'] = self.get_link(flask_context=True)
if 'icon' in options:
meta['svg_icon'] = self.get_svg_icon()
return meta
def create(self, content, im_obj, tags=[]):
self._set_field('content', content)
if im_obj.type == 'screenshot':
for date in im_obj.get_dates():
self._add(date, None)
self._copy_from(im_obj.type, im_obj.get_id())
for tag in tags:
return self.id
def delete(self):
def create(content, im_obj, tags=[]):
if content:
obj_id = sha256(content.encode()).hexdigest()
obj = Qrcode(obj_id)
if not obj.exists():
obj.create(content, im_obj, tags=tags)
return obj
class Qrcodes(AbstractDaterangeObjects):
Qrcodes Objects
def __init__(self):
super().__init__('qrcode', Qrcode)
def sanitize_id_to_search(self, name_to_search):
return name_to_search # TODO
#### API ####
def api_get_qrcode(obj_id):
obj = Qrcode(obj_id)
if not obj.exists():
return {"status": "error", "reason": "Unknown qrcode"}, 404
meta = obj.get_meta({'content', 'icon', 'link'})
return meta, 200