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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*-coding:UTF-8 -*
import os
import sys
# Import Project packages
from lib.ConfigLoader import ConfigLoader
from lib.ail_core import get_all_objects, get_object_all_subtypes, get_all_objects_with_subtypes_tuple
from lib import correlations_engine
from lib import btc_ail
from lib import Tag
from lib.objects import CryptoCurrencies
from lib.objects.Cves import Cve
from lib.objects.Decodeds import Decoded
from lib.objects.Domains import Domain
from lib.objects.Items import Item
from lib.objects import Pgps
from lib.objects.Screenshots import Screenshot
from lib.objects import Usernames
config_loader = ConfigLoader()
config_loader = None
def is_valid_object_type(obj_type):
return obj_type in get_all_objects()
def is_valid_object_subtype(obj_type, subtype):
return subtype in get_object_all_subtypes(obj_type)
def sanitize_objs_types(objs):
l_types = []
for obj in objs:
if is_valid_object_type(obj):
if not l_types:
l_types = get_all_objects()
return l_types
def get_object(obj_type, subtype, id):
if obj_type == 'item':
return Item(id)
elif obj_type == 'domain':
return Domain(id)
elif obj_type == 'decoded':
return Decoded(id)
elif obj_type == 'cve':
return Cve(id)
elif obj_type == 'screenshot':
return Screenshot(id)
elif obj_type == 'cryptocurrency':
return CryptoCurrencies.CryptoCurrency(id, subtype)
elif obj_type == 'pgp':
return Pgps.Pgp(id, subtype)
elif obj_type == 'username':
return Usernames.Username(id, subtype)
def get_objects(objects):
objs = set()
for obj in objects:
if isinstance(obj, dict):
obj_type = obj['type']
obj_subtype = obj['subtype']
obj_id = obj['id']
if 'lvl' in obj:
correl_objs = get_obj_correlations_objs(obj_type, obj_subtype, obj_id, lvl=obj['lvl'])
objs = objs.union(correl_objs)
obj_type, obj_subtype, obj_id = obj
objs.add((obj_type, obj_subtype, obj_id))
ail_objects = []
for obj in objs:
ail_objects.append(get_object(obj[0], obj[1], obj[2]))
return ail_objects
def exists_obj(obj_type, subtype, obj_id):
obj = get_object(obj_type, subtype, obj_id)
if obj:
return obj.exists()
return False
def get_obj_global_id(obj_type, subtype, obj_id):
obj = get_object(obj_type, subtype, obj_id)
return obj.get_global_id()
def get_obj_from_global_id(global_id):
obj = global_id.split(':', 3)
return get_object(obj[0], obj[1], obj[2])
def get_object_link(obj_type, subtype, id, flask_context=False):
obj = get_object(obj_type, subtype, id)
return obj.get_link(flask_context=flask_context)
def get_object_svg(obj_type, subtype, id):
obj = get_object(obj_type, subtype, id)
return obj.get_svg_icon()
## TAGS ##
def get_obj_tags(obj_type, subtype, id):
obj = get_object(obj_type, subtype, id)
return obj.get_tags()
def add_obj_tag(obj_type, subtype, id, tag):
obj = get_object(obj_type, subtype, id)
def add_obj_tags(obj_type, subtype, id, tags):
obj = get_object(obj_type, subtype, id)
for tag in tags:
# -TAGS- #
def get_object_meta(obj_type, subtype, id, options=set(), flask_context=False):
obj = get_object(obj_type, subtype, id)
meta = obj.get_meta(options=options)
meta['icon'] = obj.get_svg_icon()
meta['link'] = obj.get_link(flask_context=flask_context)
return meta
def get_objects_meta(objs, options=[], flask_context=False):
metas = []
for obj_dict in objs:
metas.append(get_object_meta(obj_dict['type'], obj_dict['subtype'], obj_dict['id'], options=options,
return metas
def get_object_card_meta(obj_type, subtype, id, related_btc=False):
obj = get_object(obj_type, subtype, id)
meta = obj.get_meta()
meta['icon'] = obj.get_svg_icon()
if subtype or obj_type == 'cve':
meta['sparkline'] = obj.get_sparkline()
if obj_type == 'cve':
meta['cve_search'] = obj.get_cve_search()
if subtype == 'bitcoin' and related_btc:
meta["related_btc"] = btc_ail.get_bitcoin_info(
if obj.get_type() == 'decoded':
meta["vt"] = obj.get_meta_vt()
meta["vt"]["status"] = obj.is_vt_enabled()
if obj.get_type() == 'screenshot' or obj.get_type() == 'decoded':
2022-11-22 10:47:15 +01:00
meta["add_tags_modal"] = Tag.get_modal_add_tags(, obj.get_type(), obj.get_subtype(r_str=True))
return meta
def get_ui_obj_tag_table_keys(obj_type):
Warning: use only in flask (dynamic templates)
if obj_type == "domain":
return ['id', 'first_seen', 'last_check', 'status'] # # TODO: add root screenshot
# # # # MISP OBJECTS # # # #
# # TODO: CHECK IF object already have an UUID
def get_misp_object(obj_type, subtype, id):
obj = get_object(obj_type, subtype, id)
return obj.get_misp_object()
def get_misp_objects(objs):
misp_objects = {}
for obj in objs:
misp_objects[obj] = obj.get_misp_object()
for relation in get_objects_relationships(objs):
obj_src = misp_objects[relation['src']]
obj_dest = misp_objects[relation['dest']]
# print(relation['src'].get_id(), relation['dest'].get_id())
obj_src.add_reference(obj_dest.uuid, relation['relationship'], 'ail correlation')
return misp_objects.values()
# get misp relationship
def get_objects_relationships(objs):
relation = []
if len(objs) == 2:
if objs[0].are_correlated(objs[1]):
relationship = get_objects_relationship(objs[0], objs[1])
if relationship:
iterator = objs.copy() # [obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4]
for obj in objs[:-1]: # [obj1, obj2, obj3]
iterator.pop(0) # [obj2, obj3, obj4] obj1 correlation already checked
for obj2 in iterator:
# CHECK CORRELATION obj - > obj2
if obj.are_correlated(obj2):
relationship = get_objects_relationship(obj, obj2)
if relationship:
return relation
def get_relationship_src_dest(src_type, obj1, obj2):
if obj1.get_type() == src_type:
src = obj1
dest = obj2
src = obj2
dest = obj1
return src, dest
# get misp relationship
def get_objects_relationship(obj1, obj2):
obj_types = (obj1.get_type(), obj2.get_type())
# if ['cryptocurrency', 'pgp', 'username', 'decoded', 'screenshot']:
# {'relation': '', 'src':, 'dest':}
# relationship[relation] =
if 'cryptocurrency' in obj_types:
relationship = 'extracted-from'
src, dest = get_relationship_src_dest('cryptocurrency', obj1, obj2)
elif 'cve' in obj_types:
relationship = 'extracted-from'
src, dest = get_relationship_src_dest('cve', obj1, obj2)
elif 'pgp' in obj_types:
relationship = 'extracted-from'
src, dest = get_relationship_src_dest('pgp', obj1, obj2)
elif 'username' in obj_types:
relationship = 'extracted-from'
src, dest = get_relationship_src_dest('username', obj1, obj2)
elif 'decoded' in obj_types:
relationship = 'included-in'
src, dest = get_relationship_src_dest('decoded', obj1, obj2)
elif 'screenshot' in obj_types:
relationship = 'screenshot-of'
src, dest = get_relationship_src_dest('screenshot', obj1, obj2)
elif 'domain' in obj_types:
relationship = 'extracted-from'
src, dest = get_relationship_src_dest('domain', obj1, obj2)
# default
relationship = None
src = None
dest = None
if not relationship:
return {}
return {'src': src, 'dest': dest, 'relationship': relationship}
# - - - MISP OBJECTS - - - #
def api_sanitize_object_type(obj_type):
if not is_valid_object_type(obj_type):
return {'status': 'error', 'reason': 'Incorrect object type'}, 400
def get_obj_correlations(obj_type, subtype, obj_id):
obj = get_object(obj_type, subtype, obj_id)
return obj.get_correlations()
def _get_obj_correlations_objs(objs, obj_type, subtype, obj_id, lvl=0):
if lvl > 0 and (obj_type, subtype, obj_id) not in objs: # Avoid looking for the same correlation
objs.add((obj_type, subtype, obj_id))
lvl = lvl - 1
obj = get_object(obj_type, subtype, obj_id)
correlations = obj.get_correlations()
# print('--------------------------')
# print( obj_id, correlations)
# print(lvl)
# print('--------------------------')
for obj2_type in correlations:
for str_obj in correlations[obj2_type]:
obj2_subtype, obj2_id = str_obj.split(':', 1)
_get_obj_correlations_objs(objs, obj2_type, obj2_subtype, obj2_id, lvl=lvl)
# print(len(objs))
objs.add((obj_type, subtype, obj_id))
return objs
def get_obj_correlations_objs(obj_type, subtype, obj_id, lvl=0):
objs = set()
_get_obj_correlations_objs(objs, obj_type, subtype, obj_id, lvl=lvl)
return objs
def delete_obj(obj_type, subtype, obj_id):
obj = get_object(obj_type, subtype, obj_id)
return obj.delete()
def create_correlation_graph_links(links_set):
links = []
for link in links_set:
links.append({"source": link[0], "target": link[1]})
return links
def create_correlation_graph_nodes(nodes_set, obj_str_id, flask_context=True):
graph_nodes_list = []
for node_id in nodes_set:
obj_type, subtype, obj_id = node_id.split(';', 2)
dict_node = {'id': node_id}
dict_node['style'] = get_object_svg(obj_type, subtype, obj_id)
# # TODO: # FIXME: in UI
dict_node['style']['icon_class'] = dict_node['style']['style']
dict_node['style']['icon_text'] = dict_node['style']['icon']
dict_node['style']['node_color'] = dict_node['style']['color']
dict_node['style']['node_radius'] = dict_node['style']['radius']
# # TODO: # FIXME: in UI
dict_node['text'] = obj_id
if node_id == obj_str_id:
dict_node["style"]["node_color"] = 'orange'
dict_node["style"]["node_radius"] = 7
dict_node['url'] = get_object_link(obj_type, subtype, obj_id, flask_context=flask_context)
return graph_nodes_list
def get_correlations_graph_node(obj_type, subtype, obj_id, filter_types=[], max_nodes=300, level=1,
obj_str_id, nodes, links = correlations_engine.get_correlations_graph_nodes_links(obj_type, subtype, obj_id,
max_nodes=max_nodes, level=level,
return {"nodes": create_correlation_graph_nodes(nodes, obj_str_id, flask_context=flask_context),
"links": create_correlation_graph_links(links)}
# if __name__ == '__main__':
# r = get_objects([{'lvl': 1, 'type': 'item', 'subtype': '', 'id': 'crawled/2020/09/14/circl.lu0f4976a4-dda4-4189-ba11-6618c4a8c951'}])
# r = get_misp_objects([Item('crawled/2020/09/14/circl.lu0f4976a4-dda4-4189-ba11-6618c4a8c951'),
# Cve('CVE-2020-16856'), Cve('CVE-2014-6585'), Cve('CVE-2015-0383'),
# Cve('CVE-2015-0410')])
# print()
# print(r)
# res = get_obj_correlations_objs('username', 'telegram', 'corona', lvl=100)
# print(res)