1. Add your module name in [./configs/modules.cfg](./configs/modules.cfg) and subscribe to at least one module at minimum (Usually, `Item`).
2. Use [./bin/modules/modules/TemplateModule.py](./bin/modules/modules/TemplateModule.py) as a sample module and create a new file in bin/modules with the module name used in the `modules.cfg` configuration.
AIL supports crawling of websites and Tor hidden services. Ensure your Tor client's proxy configuration is correct, especially the SOCKS5 proxy settings.

## Chats Translation with LibreTranslate
Chats message can be translated using [libretranslate](https://github.com/LibreTranslate/LibreTranslate), an open-source self-hosted machine translation.
### Installation:
1. Install LibreTranslate by running the following command:
pip install libretranslate
2. Run libretranslate:
### Configuration:
To enable LibreTranslate for chat translation, edit the LibreTranslate URL in the [./configs/core.cfg](./configs/core.cfg) file under the [Translation] section.