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2023-11-02 16:28:33 +01:00
# -*-coding:UTF-8 -*
Base Class for AIL Objects
# Import External packages
import os
import sys
import time
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from abc import ABC
from datetime import datetime
# from flask import url_for
# Import Project packages
from lib.objects.abstract_subtype_object import AbstractSubtypeObject
from lib.ail_core import unpack_correl_objs_id, zscan_iter ################
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from lib.ConfigLoader import ConfigLoader
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from lib.objects import Messages
from packages import Date
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# from lib.data_retention_engine import update_obj_date
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config_loader = ConfigLoader()
r_cache = config_loader.get_redis_conn("Redis_Cache")
r_object = config_loader.get_db_conn("Kvrocks_Objects")
config_loader = None
class AbstractChatObject(AbstractSubtypeObject, ABC):
Abstract Subtype Object
def __init__(self, obj_type, id, subtype):
""" Abstract for all the AIL object
:param obj_type: object type (item, ...)
:param id: Object ID
super().__init__(obj_type, id, subtype)
# get useraccount / username
# get users ?
# timeline name ????
# info
# created
# last imported/updated
# TODO get instance
# TODO get protocol
# TODO get network
# TODO get address
def get_chat(self): # require ail object TODO ##
if self.type != 'chat':
parent = self.get_parent()
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if parent:
obj_type, _ = parent.split(':', 1)
if obj_type == 'chat':
return parent
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def get_subchannels(self):
subchannels = []
if self.type == 'chat': # category ???
for obj_global_id in self.get_childrens():
obj_type, _ = obj_global_id.split(':', 1)
if obj_type == 'chat-subchannel':
return subchannels
def get_nb_subchannels(self):
nb = 0
if self.type == 'chat':
for obj_global_id in self.get_childrens():
obj_type, _ = obj_global_id.split(':', 1)
if obj_type == 'chat-subchannel':
nb += 1
return nb
def get_threads(self):
threads = []
for child in self.get_childrens():
obj_type, obj_subtype, obj_id = child.split(':', 2)
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if obj_type == 'chat-thread':
threads.append({'type': obj_type, 'subtype': obj_subtype, 'id': obj_id})
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return threads
def get_created_at(self, date=False):
created_at = self._get_field('created_at')
if date and created_at:
created_at = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(created_at))
created_at = created_at.isoformat(' ')
return created_at
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def set_created_at(self, timestamp):
self._set_field('created_at', timestamp)
def get_name(self):
name = self._get_field('name')
if not name:
name = ''
return name
def set_name(self, name):
self._set_field('name', name)
def get_icon(self):
icon = self._get_field('icon')
if icon:
return icon.rsplit(':', 1)[1]
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def set_icon(self, icon):
self._set_field('icon', icon)
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def get_info(self):
return self._get_field('info')
def set_info(self, info):
self._set_field('info', info)
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def get_nb_messages(self):
return r_object.zcard(f'messages:{self.type}:{self.subtype}:{}')
def _get_messages(self, nb=-1, page=1):
if nb < 1:
return r_object.zrange(f'messages:{self.type}:{self.subtype}:{}', 0, -1, withscores=True)
if page > 1:
start = page - 1 + nb
start = 0
messages = r_object.zrevrange(f'messages:{self.type}:{self.subtype}:{}', start, start+nb-1, withscores=True)
if messages:
messages = reversed(messages)
return messages
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2023-11-07 11:24:24 +01:00
def get_timestamp_first_message(self):
return r_object.zrange(f'messages:{self.type}:{self.subtype}:{}', 0, 0, withscores=True)
def get_timestamp_last_message(self):
return r_object.zrevrange(f'messages:{self.type}:{self.subtype}:{}', 0, 0, withscores=True)
def get_first_message(self):
return r_object.zrange(f'messages:{self.type}:{self.subtype}:{}', 0, 0)
def get_last_message(self):
return r_object.zrevrange(f'messages:{self.type}:{self.subtype}:{}', 0, 0)
def get_nb_message_by_hours(self, date_day, nb_day):
hours = []
# start=0, end=23
timestamp = time.mktime(datetime.strptime(date_day, "%Y%m%d").timetuple())
for i in range(24):
timestamp_end = timestamp + 3600
nb_messages = r_object.zcount(f'messages:{self.type}:{self.subtype}:{}', timestamp, timestamp_end)
timestamp = timestamp_end
hours.append({'date': f'{date_day[0:4]}-{date_day[4:6]}-{date_day[6:8]}', 'day': nb_day, 'hour': i, 'count': nb_messages})
return hours
def get_nb_message_by_week(self, date_day):
date_day = Date.get_date_week_by_date(date_day)
week_messages = []
i = 0
for date in Date.daterange_add_days(date_day, 6):
week_messages = week_messages + self.get_nb_message_by_hours(date, i)
i += 1
return week_messages
def get_nb_message_this_week(self):
week_date = Date.get_current_week_day()
return self.get_nb_message_by_week(week_date)
def get_message_meta(self, message, timestamp=None, translation_target='en'): # TODO handle file message
message = Messages.Message(message[9:])
meta = message.get_meta(options={'content', 'files-names', 'images', 'link', 'parent', 'parent_meta', 'reactions', 'thread', 'translation', 'user-account'}, timestamp=timestamp, translation_target=translation_target)
return meta
def get_messages(self, start=0, page=1, nb=500, unread=False, translation_target='en'): # threads ???? # TODO ADD last/first message timestamp + return page
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# TODO return message meta
tags = {}
messages = {}
curr_date = None
2023-11-29 16:28:25 +01:00
for message in self._get_messages(nb=2000, page=1):
timestamp = message[1]
date_day = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime('%Y/%m/%d')
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if date_day != curr_date:
messages[date_day] = []
curr_date = date_day
mess_dict = self.get_message_meta(message[0], timestamp=timestamp, translation_target=translation_target)
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if mess_dict.get('tags'):
for tag in mess_dict['tags']:
if tag not in tags:
tags[tag] = 0
tags[tag] += 1
return messages, tags
# add
# add message
def get_obj_by_message_id(self, message_id):
return r_object.hget(f'messages:ids:{self.type}:{self.subtype}:{}', message_id)
def add_message_cached_reply(self, reply_id, message_id):
r_cache.sadd(f'messages:ids:{self.type}:{self.subtype}:{}:{reply_id}', message_id)
r_cache.expire(f'messages:ids:{self.type}:{self.subtype}:{}:{reply_id}', 600)
def _get_message_cached_reply(self, message_id):
return r_cache.smembers(f'messages:ids:{self.type}:{self.subtype}:{}:{message_id}')
def get_cached_message_reply(self, message_id):
objs_global_id = []
for mess_id in self._get_message_cached_reply(message_id):
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obj_global_id = self.get_obj_by_message_id(mess_id) # TODO CATCH EXCEPTION
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if obj_global_id:
return objs_global_id
def add_message(self, obj_global_id, message_id, timestamp, reply_id=None):
r_object.hset(f'messages:ids:{self.type}:{self.subtype}:{}', message_id, obj_global_id)
r_object.zadd(f'messages:{self.type}:{self.subtype}:{}', {obj_global_id: float(timestamp)})
if reply_id:
reply_obj = self.get_obj_by_message_id(reply_id) # TODO CATCH EXCEPTION
if reply_obj:
self.add_obj_children(reply_obj, obj_global_id)
self.add_message_cached_reply(reply_id, message_id)
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for mess_id in self.get_cached_message_reply(message_id):
self.add_obj_children(obj_global_id, mess_id)
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# def get_deleted_messages(self, message_id):
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def get_participants(self):
return unpack_correl_objs_id('user-account', self.get_correlation('user-account')['user-account'], r_type='dict')
def get_nb_participants(self):
return self.get_nb_correlation('user-account')
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# TODO move me to abstract subtype
class AbstractChatObjects(ABC):
def __init__(self, type):
self.type = type
def add_subtype(self, subtype):
r_object.sadd(f'all_{self.type}:subtypes', subtype)
def get_subtypes(self):
return r_object.smembers(f'all_{self.type}:subtypes')
def get_nb_ids_by_subtype(self, subtype):
return r_object.zcard(f'{self.type}_all:{subtype}')
def get_ids_by_subtype(self, subtype):
return r_object.zrange(f'{self.type}_all:{subtype}', 0, -1)
def get_all_id_iterator_iter(self, subtype):
return zscan_iter(r_object, f'{self.type}_all:{subtype}')
def get_ids(self):
def search(self):